Anyone watch CNN? The Israeli's flattened the American School, and the Americans who ran it are waiting for an explanation.....paid for by the US government!
Anyone watch CNN? The Israeli's flattened the American School, and the Americans who ran it are waiting for an explanation.....paid for by the US government!
Keith - Administrator
i know what the Israelis will say, they were being shot at from the school, the same excuse they used when they blew up the 2 UN compounds
i was watch something on censoring the news the other night, how the news agencies and tv channels edit the worse parts out, because they don't want to upset viewers and because they have codes of conduct,
but foreign channels show the film clips unedited. it showed a sickening clip of a baby girl who was supposedly killed by Israeli's, she was badly burnt, her legs were hanging off, she been partly eaten by animals, no wonder people outside the hospital were so angry, what did the beeb show, showed the baby in a hospital bed, just part of her head uncovered. i'm sure if they had shown the unedited film, then more people would protest about this slaughtering and it would have been over sooner..
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