Quote Originally Posted by asiansmiler View Post
Hi Sophie, I myself have applied for a student visa, and study thoroughly the terms and conditions a student visa entails. As we all know, UK might be, correct me if I am wrong, the most stringent country in the world when it comes to visa granting. You are one lucky person yourself to be granted one. Aside from the checking, they will also check the University or College whether you come to your classes regularly. The report which the university would release for the Immigration/home office would be the considering factor whether you will be granted another visa, should you apply one, in the future. So, if I were you, do not jeopardise your stay. If it is just earlier, you can still straighten it out. If it's too late, consult an immigration lawyer, they might help you with your situation. To top it all, "FOLLOW THE RULES!" Hope it helps

i was hoping to add your reputation but i think i have used my limit... but ill get back to you ...hehhe...


u still studying?