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Thread: Life is to be enjoyed!

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Life is to be enjoyed!

    I reckon our lives are to be enjoyed!!

    I feel my life is fantastic! Absolutely megatastic!

    We don't want the worlds problems to be ours..we want the worlds joys, riches and pleasures!

    I'm blase and dismissive of bad news stories, I always look up at the GOOD things in life! The media give us a grossly distorted view of the world, I think the world is in GOOD shape, and I think the human race is on the road to excellence!

    There is so, so much goodness and infinate beauty in the world! Please don't make the mistake of forgetting this! I pretty much concentrate on nothing but the good things in life!

    If you were cooking a meal, you wouldn't want to let something nasty get in the recipe! When your watching the news your letting something nasty into your life! I don't even watch it! I don't like being conditioned by it!

    We can all improve the quality of our lives (quite dramatically!) by simply changing what we focus on!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

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  2. #2
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    How do you guys feel about the ongoing financial crisis or world recession? I have heard tons and tons of people in Britain are being axed from their jobs... redundancy, right??? Can someone relate to this? How about those friends of ours who are doing just fine, how do you feel about them?

  4. #4
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I reckon our lives are to be enjoyed!!

    I feel my life is fantastic! Absolutely megatastic!

    We don't want the worlds problems to be ours..we want the worlds joys, riches and pleasures!

    I'm blase and dismissive of bad news stories, I always look up at the GOOD things in life! The media give us a grossly distorted view of the world, I think the world is in GOOD shape, and I think the human race is on the road to excellence!

    There is so, so much goodness and infinite beauty in the world! Please don't make the mistake of forgetting this! I pretty much concentrate on nothing but the good things in life!

    If you were cooking a meal, you wouldn't want to let something nasty get in the recipe! When your watching the news your letting something nasty into your life! I don't even watch it! I don't like being conditioned by it!

    We can all improve the quality of our lives (quite dramatically!) by simply changing what we focus on!

    This is very encouraging and very uplifting MESSAGE to everyone who is down, feel discouraged, depressed and to everyone that is not appreciative to there lives....

    Yea I do really agree, not all the time you are happy happy and happy. LIFE is full of SURPRISES, you don't know next. There are instances that the things you want is almost there in your hands but on the other side there are still things to make it up for.. BUT let's be thankful for EVERYTHING WE HAVE...
    no matter what we are experiencing right now because we don't know there are many people experiencing WORST than our SITUATION.

    Have a nice weekend everyone.... Live life to the FULLEST

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Life is to be enjoyed!
    Not if you've got a boil on the end of your it isn't!
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asiansmiler View Post
    How do you guys feel about the ongoing financial crisis or world recession? I have heard tons and tons of people in Britain are being axed from their jobs... redundancy, right??? Can someone relate to this? How about those friends of ours who are doing just fine, how do you feel about them?

    Seriously feel sad about it what's going on the world I Guess most people is affected with it... Friends that is doing fine LUCKY them, they said " weather weather lng yan" --- our TIME is yet to come

  7. #7
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I reckon our lives are to be enjoyed!!

    I feel my life is fantastic! Absolutely megatastic!

    We don't want the worlds problems to be ours..we want the worlds joys, riches and pleasures!

    I'm blase and dismissive of bad news stories, I always look up at the GOOD things in life! The media give us a grossly distorted view of the world, I think the world is in GOOD shape, and I think the human race is on the road to excellence!

    There is so, so much goodness and infinate beauty in the world! Please don't make the mistake of forgetting this! I pretty much concentrate on nothing but the good things in life!

    If you were cooking a meal, you wouldn't want to let something nasty get in the recipe! When your watching the news your letting something nasty into your life! I don't even watch it! I don't like being conditioned by it!

    We can all improve the quality of our lives (quite dramatically!) by simply changing what we focus on!

    Yes life life is to be ENJOYED....

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Yes life life is to be ENJOYED....
    Unless you have just been laid off and got sod all..(kids are moaning their hungry and you've just run out of beans and bread and its boring Wednesday and raining to boot)

    Just keep saying to yourself that life is good and force a smile..
    Then stick your head back under your pillow and sing to your self a happy tune and keep thinking that it will only be a bad dream when you wake up..
    Everything will be fine...I`m sure.

    And remember...

  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Unless you have just been laid off and got sod all..(kids are moaning their hungry and you've just run out of beans and bread and its boring Wednesday and raining to boot)

    Just keep saying to yourself that life is good and force a smile..
    Then stick your head back under your pillow and sing to your self a happy tune and keep thinking that it will only be a bad dream when you wake up..
    Everything will be fine...I`m sure.

    Maybe you did that

    Well it's better to FORCE your SELF to smile rather than KILL your self to DEATH

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amyburple View Post
    Maybe you did that

    Well it's better to FORCE your SELF to smile rather than KILL your self to DEATH

    I may kill myself,but god forbid... "not to death"!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    how can you enjoy life if loads of people unemployed many filipinos are unemployed here in UK and they are relying to their wife working (paying loads of bills and have children here) even thinking sending back their children again to Phils and wait when the economy recovered again

  12. #12
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    how can you enjoy life if loads of people unemployed many filipinos are unemployed here in UK and they are relying to their wife working (paying loads of bills and have children here) even thinking sending back their children again to Phils and wait when the economy recovered again
    By looking up at the GOOD things in life! The law of attraction says if you focus on and think about the bad things in life, things you don't perpetuates more bad things!! If you focus on good things, things you perpetuates more good things! I think we all make the mistake of letting TV/media condition us into believing life is bad, I don't even watch the news, it's a grossly distorted portrayal of life! Because the good things in life far outweigh the bad things..(I believe this..) There is always someone or something telling us how bad life is, we've just got to be dismissive about it, the truth is this life is magnificient! Even miraculous! That's what methinks anyway! We got what we focus on and think about in life! So make an effort to focus on something good! I do that, and look how tap dancingly happy I am!

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  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If you focus on good things, things you perpetuates more good things!
    It can also perpetuate disappointment when you find out after a reality check the reasons why you cant always have what you want..

    I think we all make the mistake of letting TV/media condition us into believing life is bad, I don't even watch the news, it's a grossly distorted portrayal of life!
    How do you know how badly the news is distorted when you "don't even watch it"?

    Because the good things in life far outweigh the bad things.
    How can you weigh the good against the bad when you are obviously so badly informed?
    There is always someone or something telling us how bad life is, we've just got to be dismissive about it, the truth is this life is magnificient!
    You mean that that you believe that ignorance is bliss or is it that you simply like to bury your head in the sand?

    make an effort to focus on something good!
    I agree with that bit,but not at the expense of denying the good or bad that reality brings..!!

    I do that, and look how tap dancingly happy I am!
    I'm sure that everyone that exist in cloud cuckoo land are all similarly deluded!

    Listen..If it works for you then great!!
    I`ll even do a happy little jig for you this evening.
    How about that then?



  14. #14
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    It can also perpetuate disappointment when you find out after a reality check the reasons why you cant always have what you want..

    How do you know how badly the news is distorted when you "don't even watch it"?

    How can you weigh the good against the bad when you are obviously so badly informed?
    You mean that that you believe that ignorance is bliss or is it that you simply like to bury your head in the sand?

    I agree with that bit,but not at the expense of denying the good or bad that reality brings..!!

    I'm sure that everyone that exist in cloud cuckoo land are all similarly deluded!

    Listen..If it works for you then great!!
    I`ll even do a happy little jig for you this evening.
    How about that then?


    i thought you lived in paradise ,doesnt that make you happy?

    do you ever watch grumpy old men

    whats so wrong in enjonying life?

    maybe being married to a filipina makes him so happy,it might wear off in a few years? and he will turn into a grumpy old man too

  15. #15
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post

    maybe being married to a filipina makes him so happy

    I take my well being seriously, I take the well being of others seriously aswell, I feel happy and I love telling others why!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

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  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    and he will turn into a grumpy old man too
    Less of ..."the old" !

  17. #17
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i got sent bad rep because of my post in this thread

    nigel your just to happy for some people,whatever you do keep it up

  18. #18
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    i got sent bad rep because of my post in this thread

    nigel your just to happy for some people,whatever you do keep it up
    I believe that joy perpetuates more joy! And sadness perpetuates more sadness aswell!

    I also believe that tomorrow is connected to today! (In fact I believe that every thought and feeling is connected to the previous one..) So if I want to perpetuate a good tomorrow, I best make the effort to have a good today!

    Am I making sense?

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
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