Hi ,
I tried to get a visitor visa for my girlfriend to come here to the uk, but we found out just after xmas that it was not approved, we are so upset, but i was expecting it not to be approved cos of all the comments on here saying its very hard to get one, i did warn my girlfriend about this but she thought it would all be ok..
And i was the sponsor to her..
The reason for refusal was:
The Entry Clearance Officer`s reasons and supporting evidence
I`am not satisfied you meet sections 1-2 of the rules above
saying rhea is
Rule 1 : Is genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period as stated by him, not exceeding 6 months: and
Rule 2: Intends to leave the United Kingdom at the end of the period as of visit as stated by him...
you have applied for entry clearance to the UK as a visitor for 6 months.
You are unemployed have no evidence of any savings, property or assets of your own, are entirely reliant on others for financail support, and are clearly yet to establish yourself in the philippines both economically or career wise. Against this background you now wish to take and extended holiday to visit your boyfriend in the UK. These points are not considered in isolation but in the round, and i am not satisfied that you have demonstrated, on the balance of probabilities, sufficiently strong family, social or economic ties to satisfy me that you intend to leave the United Kingdom on completion of your visit.
I do not wish to question the credibility of your sponsor ot doubt that the sponsorship was offered in good faith, However , its your intentions with which i am concerned and on the evidance available to me, as detailed above, iam not satisfied.
Therefore refuse your application.
I have now filled in an appeal form AIT-2 and a copy of the above letter, along with another letter from me saying why i appeal..
I think this so unfair, just cos they feel rhea will not return back to the phills within the 6 month period..
I gave all the information they asked for as a sponsor.. it even says that they where happy with me the sponsor...
So we have appealed and it now been 7 working day since we posted it of to a uk address , but what does everyone think about this???
What did i do wrong???
if we lose the appeal, then we will have to try again
i have already gone back to see her over the new year, and set up a joint bank account and an account just in her name..
my plan is to put £2,000 -£3,000 into her account to prove she has money, but then again i guess they will start to ask where she got it???
Anyway theres my story, advice is more than welcome..
Oh btw rhea is 19 , so we can not even get a fionce visa even if we wanted, cos of the new law change of being she needs to be 21, but iam still leagaly married , until my divorce come through..
ty Craig and Rhea