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Thread: Young girls and old men

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    Young girls and old men

    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 30, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 32, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    someone will get banned

    as for going with older women, why would you date a woman old enough to be your mom?, maybe because of immaturity and insecurity you need a strong woman in your life to mother you ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I used to be one of these people who said "Older men shouldn't be dating young girls like that! It's wrong! Now I'm 36 and I've just married a Filipina aged 19! Filipina's have an effortless charm and a warmth I've never seen in any other woman...So basically we've got together because I just couldn't resist her!

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    someone will get banned

    as for going with older women, why would you date a woman old enough to be your mom?, maybe because of immaturity and insecurity you need a strong woman in your life to mother you ?

    Maybe so, could be quite possible. My own view is that I find its easier to relate to people who have had a career and have an idea of the outside world, beyond a holiday in Menorca!

    But seriously, it's good to question these things, and wonder about it. I'm most certain if I was 50 balding and single, i'd appreciate a young girl to keep me company, because hey, the celebrities do it. But really what is in it for the girls, is it the security? Is it the matured personality? Is it because they have wealth and only have a few more years left?
    I know every situation is individual, but just good to hear a few views.

    Working with the cruise lines, I noticed most of our crew and officers who got together tended to be similar in age, but with all mixes of nationalities.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You need to broaden your horizons and learn to relate to everyone then!

    We only live once, and I for one do what I like, what other people think bothers me not one jot.

    My wifey's 10 years older by the way, so doesn't add much support to your point.
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post

    Working with the cruise lines, I noticed most of our crew and officers who got together tended to be similar in age, but with all mixes of nationalities.

    Of course they do.
    In such small environment they would not like to be seen dead with somebody a lot older than themselves.
    Unless it is a female passenger with a chance to leave a sizeable tip at the end of the cruise...

    Officers and crew, most of it, is all down to the image they project to the other crew members.

    And don't say I am talking outa my , coz I spent more years at sea than you had hot dinners....

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    And don't say I am talking outa my , coz I spent more years at sea than you had hot dinners....[/SIZE]
    "During the war..."

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  8. #8
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    I think it quite unfair to generalise and say the men who have Filipina wives are bald, fat and over 50.... and even if they are I find the fellas on here very gentlemanly and that counts for a lot in my older, British, ex seafaring, with a younger Filipino fiance womans opinion

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    And don't say I am talking outa my , coz I spent more years at sea than you had hot dinners....
    they still use prison ships in north wales

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    Don't want to join on this topic:bluegrab:

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 32, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    Wait till all the Filipina's get their arses out of bed

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    someone will get banned
    Funny.. I have the same feeling

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the misses is 6yrs younger than me , means when i retire she will still be working , 6yrs of peace and money coming in, while i sit under my palm tree on palawan

  13. #13
    Respected Member reginacarlson's Avatar
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    Regardless if it's a man or a woman, one looks for stability in a partner. Older (almost always) means wiser, matured, more accomplished, confident, and experienced. They pay you more attention so you're more likely to be pampered.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Maybe so, could be quite possible. My own view is that I find its easier to relate to people who have had a career and have an idea of the outside world, beyond a holiday in Menorca!

    But seriously, it's good to question these things, and wonder about it. I'm most certain if I was 50 balding and single, i'd appreciate a young girl to keep me company, because hey, the celebrities do it. But really what is in it for the girls, is it the security? Is it the matured personality? Is it because they have wealth and only have a few more years left?
    I know every situation is individual, but just good to hear a few views.

    Working with the cruise lines, I noticed most of our crew and officers who got together tended to be similar in age, but with all mixes of nationalities.
    Are you sure they are old English guys, not other foreign nationalities? Well as far as I know… English guys are more handsome, gentlemen and absolutely romantic white guys I’ve ever seen. I’m sure everyone agrees with me here

    In regards to ur question… honestly it’s none of our business though I know that u just want to share ur opinion.

    Just like you… u had a gf who’s more than 20 years older than you. And as u have said u seemed to have a lot in common. So I guess with other Filipinas have same thinking about that. Maybe they seem to have a lot in common with older guys and also have same views like you.

    What is in it for the girls? Well you already answered that question… but that was just few of the answers, you also have to include that it must be love. There’s no definite or general answer with this. As you have said every situation is individual.
    Men and women are equal. If you can do it so are we. If you like older women, then i don't think it's bad for us girls to like older man.

    My husband is 10 years older than me.. he may be bald but very good looking guy.. as for me I really like bald guys. And eventually I like an older guy to be my companion. But in spite of that, the reason I married my husband which is not very old for me is because I truly love him even if, just in case he’s 100 years older than me, I’m very much positive that he’ll still be my husband.

  15. #15
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 32, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!

    I respect on your opinion... And I also respect to those girls who have 25 years gap partner no MATTER what's there motive is... Either good or bad ... Same with younger man looking for matured woman.. It's there choice, and it's there life. If they are happy and contended and satisfied with there partner then be it...

    My hubby is not bald he is not super old. just 8 years gap but he looks 30 in person.. Yes he is matured in thinking wise, decision wise because he lives longer than me but not all the time. He has wide understanding....And most of all we love so much to bits

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Maybe so, could be quite possible. My own view is that I find its easier to relate to people who have had a career and have an idea of the outside world, beyond a holiday in Menorca!

    But seriously, it's good to question these things, and wonder about it. I'm most certain if I was 50 balding and single, i'd appreciate a young girl to keep me company, because hey, the celebrities do it. But really what is in it for the girls, is it the security? Is it the matured personality? Is it because they have wealth and only have a few more years left?
    I know every situation is individual, but just good to hear a few views.

    Working with the cruise lines, I noticed most of our crew and officers who got together tended to be similar in age, but with all mixes of nationalities.
    I for 1 is an example of lady who prefer to end up with a matured (40yrs and above) big bald white guy
    though i don't considered myself young anymore. am 33 btw.
    Having said that, i find matured guys (British to be specific) more matured and sensitive compared to those of my age.....and yah damn good looking as they grow older and balder ...

    Matured guys tend to keep the conversation spontaneous (which i think important as you grow older. well of course the level of intimacy should always be part of the package..

    For my case,his wealth is not an issue long he is 3B! 2cents...

    Keep moving on...

  17. #17
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    I am 25 my husband is 46. 21 year gap... But I married him not for any other reason but because WE LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH . He's not rich but a very responsible man. He's very handsome and he's not a baldy nor a fatty. he's 46 but looks like in his 30s only.He's like wine ,get's better and better with age. HE's my BENJAMIN BUTTON and I will stick with him even if he's already grey and old.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 32, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    Am I the only one still thinking that the difference between 24yrs old and and 32yrs old is 8 years not 6?...........
    As a friend of mine once said " God only made a certain amount of perfect heads, the rest he covered with hair! "
    As long as people are happy then they should be with whoever them want.
    And I don`t know who made the rule about dating people of the same age, after all it`s not school is it!


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 32, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    Hi Rick. This is a topic that is raised time and time again - sometimes intelligently but more often than not ignorantly and in a manner that reveals more about the individual raising it than about the respondents.

    I think that age is nothing other than a chronicological representation of an individual or entity's time alive or of viability. It takes none of the key factors such as maturity, intelligence, personality, interests, etc. into consideration so has little value as a metric for relationship compatability in my view.

    Responding to a couple of other specific items: a 22 year old female is surely a woman and not a girl, although of course, some women retain a childlike quality which many men admire There is nothing wrong with that.

    Are all 50 year old men fat, balding & grumpy and do they fart a lot? I may well be bald by that time but don't think the other things will apply to me when I'm 50. Besides, I'm only balding as a consequence of years of breakdancing

    I personally, think we should stop generalising and being judgemental and should celebrate the fact that others find love at a time when love is so hard to find.

    Just my thoughts. Best wishes to all, irrespective of their point of departure on this debate.
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    ah, i've offended a few people and i'm genuinely sorry. I'm not implying anything personal towards anyone here, statistically most of us men don't end up looking like Pierce Brosnan, so what i'm simply saying. What is it about the older English Guys? And seems to be a lot of good answers, yet also implication that some of the guys here have older wives.
    For my future wife, I feel that she wants stability, security, someone who is there and really cares for her and wants to spend time with her. Well aware of the cultural differences, because honestly I don't think she really cares how I look. Wheras in the UK, it tends to be about how you look on each others arms and where your seen. I do wonder what on earth she'll think when she wakes up one day to find an old fat and balding rick next to her, but i'm hoping that doesn't happen too soon.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the misses is 6yrs younger than me , means when i retire she will still be working , 6yrs of peace and money coming in, while i sit under my palm tree on palawan
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  22. #22
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    its not only the 50 year old guys that are bald ,i started going grey and bald in my twenties I'm 39 now i now have the so often seen "number 1" buzz cut, my mahal called me kalbo so much when we first met it is now her name for me and she even writes it in cards she is 10 years younger than me by the way

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    they still use prison ships in north wales
    Yep....Manchesters full

    PS. Time does not exist, it is a man-made variable.
    Keith - Administrator

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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Hi Rick. This is a topic that is raised time and time again - sometimes intelligently but more often than not ignorantly and in a manner that reveals more about the individual raising it than about the respondents.

    I think that age is nothing other than a chronicological representation of an individual or entity's time alive or of viability. It takes none of the key factors such as maturity, intelligence, personality, interests, etc. into consideration so has little value as a metric for relationship compatability in my view.

    Responding to a couple of other specific items: a 22 year old female is surely a woman and not a girl, although of course, some women retain a childlike quality which many men admire There is nothing wrong with that.

    Are all 50 year old men fat, balding & grumpy and do they fart a lot? I may well be bald by that time but don't think the other things will apply to me when I'm 50. Besides, I'm only balding as a consequence of years of breakdancing

    I personally, think we should stop generalising and being judgemental and should celebrate the fact that others find love at a time when love is so hard to find.

    Just my thoughts. Best wishes to all, irrespective of their point of departure on this debate.
    A quite sagacious response from Toks. I could not have responded with such sartorial eloquence myself!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Ok, so a thought provoking topic for us. Why do you often find young Filipina's with old English Guys? I can't understand why a 22 year old girl would want a 50 year old fat, balding, grumpy, fart a lot man.

    I know that as we get older we are supposed to mature, and men are supposed to get better looking, but really we become rounder and grumpier.

    Now I can understand a 30 or 40 year old woman wanting to be with an older guy, probably got more to talk about and a good career background, lived a bit etc.

    Now the strange thing is for me, i'm 24 and seem to always find myself with older women. Not sure how it happens I always seem to attract them, although the oldest was a beautiful 47 year old Canadian Nurse, we just seemed to have a lot in common, but it wasn't to last which is good, because now i've met the woman of my dreams.
    My future wife is 30, so still 6 years older then me. Although somehow I seem to be the mature one in the relationship, until i've done something wrong and she becomes all bossy!
    oUChhh! My hubby is getting bald and fatty, but I cannot blame him as I can see many bald in this country.HE IS NOT ALONE! I don't know why many bald men here. In Taiwan, bald men are rich according to my chinese friend. In Philippines, if you are bald, you think too much. We have 4 years gap and one time, he took me in his company as he works in coal mining, his co workers asked if I am his daughter.

    He's not grumpy as he's always smile lols! Hubby enjoys eating and I told him to reduce weigh. He promise he'll do and every new year, it's his new year resolution. But he's still have his BEER BELLY but still I love him, That is the advantage if you love him from inside and outside. Most important is we both have sense of humour that makes us happy and look young

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    ah, i've offended a few people and i'm genuinely sorry. I'm not implying anything personal towards anyone here, statistically most of us men don't end up looking like Pierce Brosnan, so what i'm simply saying. What is it about the older English Guys? And seems to be a lot of good answers, yet also implication that some of the guys here have older wives.
    For my future wife, I feel that she wants stability, security, someone who is there and really cares for her and wants to spend time with her. Well aware of the cultural differences, because honestly I don't think she really cares how I look. Wheras in the UK, it tends to be about how you look on each others arms and where your seen. I do wonder what on earth she'll think when she wakes up one day to find an old fat and balding rick next to her, but i'm hoping that doesn't happen too soon.
    Ricky, you have duly apologised for your initial retort, and that is very big of you.
    I am sure that most of the people on here know what you mean - it just needed to be a little more delicate eh?
    I am fat, bald and 55 - and my wife is 24. It took me a long time before I realised that our 'situation' was not 'ridiculous.' We love each other very dearly and I am sure that we always will.

    BTW - I do not f**t all the time 'cos you cannot get a good Indian curry over here!

    More power to you Ricky - enjoy the forum!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    But he's still have his BEER BELLY
    Beer belly!!!!! They are absorbed 'Nag Molecules' collecting in the stomach area from years of marriage!
    Keith - Administrator

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    Question,why most of them get bald ? my mother said ,don't wash your hair with warm /hot water it may cause fallen hair ? how true ?

    But been argue with hubby about that he said " why me ,i use warm water to wash hair but my hair still thick as in malago or makapal

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Question,why most of them get bald ? my mother said ,don't wash your hair with warm /hot water it may cause fallen hair ? how true ?

    But been argue with hubby about that he said " why me ,i used warm water to wash hair but my hair still thick as in malago or makapal
    The first time I heard that I was a 16 year old cadet on an old cargo ship in Africa working with bunch of hardened Filipino sailors, who were trying to convince me never to wash my hair with hot water. Heard a lot of superstitions too!

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