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    successful fiancee visa!:)

    hello everyone,

    I want to share my experience especially to those fiancée visa applicants. I owe something to this forum for our success and am sure this will help others as well.

    Fred and I first met online through Yahoo Chat last Oct 2005. He, then, visited me after 4 months. Before that, we were already contemplating on applying for a visa coz we were truly and madly in love, we could feel a great future if we’re together. We prepared enough despite the fact that our relationship was only 7 months by the time we applied (May 26). After 1 month and a week, ukvacs scheduled me for an 8:00am interview on July 19.

    Here’s the list of docs we submitted:

    Passport, NBI Clearance, NSO-SECPA Birth Certificate
    Sponsor’s Birth Certificate
    Full copy of sponsor’s passport, personal details and Phil. Immigration stamp in full color
    Scanned copy of sponsor’s driver’s license

    Deed of Property
    Property Details (highlighted our sole use of the room)
    Mortgage Statements: Year 2005 and Year 2004
    Letter of No Objection from the joint owner

    Payslips: Nov 2005 – Apr 2006 (included a scanned copy for May)
    P60 end of Year Certificate, 2005 - 06 and 2004 – 05
    Letter of Employment ,Copy of Full Contract Details, Calling cards
    Bank Statements from Nov 2005 – Apr 2006
    Letter of Claim Payment for the policy surrendered
    Norwich Union Surrender Value Illustration
    Transaction Details: E-Savings Account

    Letter of Support from the Sponsor
    Provisional Booking for the Wedding
    Provisional Booking for Wedding Lunch
    E-mail Transcripts
    Chat Logs: Oct 2005 – May 2006
    SMS Log of Gary
    Screenshots of Chat Sessions
    MoneyGram Receipts
    Flower Receipts
    Telephone Bills

    Boarding Passes and E-tickets, Hotel and Restaurant Receipts, Photos
    Letters, Postcard, Used Phone Cards, Used Call and Text Cards

    Birth Certificates of Sponsor’s Dependants

    -------- Lastly, I gave these additional docs during the day of interview:

    Scanned/internet copies of bank statements, payslips, chat logs and screenshots of our chat for june-july. I also included an email from his kids that will show they accept me as their step-mum.


    The day before your interview, take time to get to know where the embassy is. Study the area around it. Being a Davaoeno, I didn’t know that it’s not permitted to just stay anywhere. It’s in a financial/business district so every stranger is considered a “threat”.
    Before you go to interview, relax your mind and body with a long soak in the tub (if possible). It eases the tensions you have. Be comfy, wear something semi-casual.. that is a blouse and slacks/skirt. I arrived there at 7.30, I wasn’t allowed to hang around and the guard instructed me to go back at 7.50 and go somewhere. I think it was Mini-Stop (at the back of the building) where you can wait and eat something. Btw, guards don’t pity you even if it’s drizzling outside. You can’t go to the shed (outside the exit area) of the underpass and wait there. A guard will tell not to hang around , they are suspicious of just anyone. A police guy will go up with you to the 15th floor.

    Opt to be interviewed in English. It’s a big plus. A lot of applicants want to have an interpreter though they understand the language well. Be confident and consistent with your answers. Some questions may be repeated in a different manner. You may be distracted with the look of the eco but please maintain eye contact. I found out they wear very casual clothes. Well I was expecting they would wear a suit so I was surprised but then I felt comfortable right from the start. There are only 4 interview rooms, don’t chat too much with the others while you wait coz eco just call up your name anytime. Between you and the eco is a glass, don’t be afraid to say if you can’t hear it well coz he/she will adjust the volume for you. Also, don’t be afraid to ask the eco to repeat the question if it’s not clear to you.

    Some questions that were asked from me:
    Why do you want to go to UK?
    When and where did you first meet and in person
    When and where will the marriage take place
    About his kids: their names and ages, where do they live, how often does he see and spend time with them?
    What does he do, what do I do..
    When is his birthday
    If I have seen the kids or not.

    The eco will be taking notes on the computer, typing as you speak and sometimes ask another question while he/she types your answer. So be very attentive and stay focus even if he doesn’t look at you.

    When you are told to wait outside, do so with much patience. Some were given a definite time to go back and some were not. In my case, I was waiting for like forever there. I figured out, they normally discuss your application inside once you are done with the interview process. It’s like the eco or/and assistants will hold conference inside whether you are entitled for an entry to UK or not. There are hidden cameras in the embassy. Behave yourself even if you are waiting for long. I felt like they monitor everything once you are inside...your look, facial expressions, gestures and behaviour count during and after the interview. Think of it as if the interview doesn’t end there. A lot of applicants there were impatient on the results.

    There were many refusals that day, mostly family/visit visa. I guessed I was the only one for fiancée visa So, I was lucky somehow that mine was different and the long wait was all worth it.. they gave me the visa. You’ll know you are denied if there’s a white paper (refusal letter, appeal form) along with your passport and it will be read and on how to appeal will explained for you.

    I hope this helps a lot. More power to the forum!!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Thanks alot Byang, it helps alot!

    There's one thing that questioned me about this
    Provisional Booking for the Wedding
    Provisional Booking for Wedding Lunch
    We had already talk about this to my fiance and agree some dates,register office were the wedding take place and the reception too. Do the ukvacs and eco will look for a piece of paper that stated where and when? and is it more good if he will just write it in the supporting letter?
    Okay i just know now that i had to get NBI clearance, i will have do that this week then..
    Hope to hear from you,
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  3. #3
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    Yes. Although it is not stated in the checklist, they want to see some piece of evidence that you have actually booked a wedding date, place and the reception. they can see the details and contact numbers in the booking forms. This will somehow "assure" them that the wedding will materialize in good time (within 6 months). Your fiance may write that in his leter of support.

    You are not obliged to include NBI certificate, I just added it for my identification.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Thanks for that, I'll make it sticky

    ....and I'm sure everyone will give you some REP
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Okay thanks for that info byang, you know that UK's registers office wont allow any bookings for wedding, as both of you should be present.So we will have to use our imagination as what ivor says ... so where are you going to leave Pi? u going to do one stop?
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    Okay thanks for that info byang, you know that UK's registers office wont allow any bookings for wedding, as both of you should be present.So we will have to use our imagination as what ivor says ... so where are you going to leave Pi? u going to do one stop?
    It is possible to make a provisional booking to secure the date, then you receive a magic piece of paper for your application, of course you both need to attend to make official booking. I felt a bit bad booking dates for wedding and reception without knowing we would get the visa and now we will have to change them because there isn't enough time to give notice.- Although we made damn sure it was mathematically possible on interview day, if not I would have changed it already.

  7. #7
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frednbyang
    It is possible to make a provisional booking to secure the date, then you receive a magic piece of paper for your application, of course you both need to attend to make official booking. I felt a bit bad booking dates for wedding and reception without knowing we would get the visa and now we will have to change them because there isn't enough time to give notice.- Although we made damn sure it was mathematically possible on interview day, if not I would have changed it already.

    Okay i told him to get a provisional booking for wedding if he could do that to there register office and for the reception too in the hotel, sometime(November 24, 2006) is it a good date? ..i hope he will get it this week he wont be home till thursday
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  8. #8
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    A big thanks to everyone!!! I am happy to share all of these. It feels good to help others. I will be leaving my home on the 4th of August and am ready to start a new life there.... am all excited to be with my baby very soon!!! He booked me a flight with KLM via Mla-Ams-Nwi.

    Scosfiancee, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to that. It depends on you and your partner's circumstance really. Just say whatever you feel is best. They only want to find out if you are consistent with your answers or not.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi Byang

    Hi Byang

    Im ann still waiting for my fiance visa.I is so intersting that your flight was similar flight that my fiancee took during his visit.And hopefaully same with mine.It seems that we are close.

    Take care and goodluck to you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Byang View Post
    A big thanks to everyone!!! I am happy to share all of these. It feels good to help others. I will be leaving my home on the 4th of August and am ready to start a new life there.... am all excited to be with my baby very soon!!! He booked me a flight with KLM via Mla-Ams-Nwi.

    Scosfiancee, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to that. It depends on you and your partner's circumstance really. Just say whatever you feel is best. They only want to find out if you are consistent with your answers or not.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    thanks for taking the time to give so much information to those who are yet to go through the visa process. It will be a great help....

  11. #11
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Nice one Byang, its a good guides to those who are in the level of sorting the visas. They can gather more ideas of whats the relevant documents to bring and whats the interviews like, the do's and don'ts during the interviews.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  12. #12
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    HI mates,
    I have question to all of you, i do schooling ( taking up IT,graduating next year of march but ready to stop if i have my visa) im just confused what would be the best answer i would have to say if the embassy will ask me WHAT DO I DO? do i have to say i do school cause maybe its a hindrance for them.... any advice please?
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotsfiancee
    HI mates,
    I have question to all of you, i do schooling ( taking up IT,graduating next year of march but ready to stop if i have my visa) im just confused what would be the best answer i would have to say if the embassy will ask me WHAT DO I DO? do i have to say i do school cause maybe its a hindrance for them.... any advice please?

    You know it isn't right if you lie. Just be honest and tell them that you are still studying. Its not a crime to study you know. The purpose of the interview is to determine if you really know the man you are marrying .
    If appear to be ignorant with some aspect of his life then...they won't give you the visa. Some people have arrange marriages and I think the emmbassy is aware of this.

  14. #14
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IMONNA
    You know it isn't right if you lie. Just be honest and tell them that you are still studying. Its not a crime to study you know. The purpose of the interview is to determine if you really know the man you are marrying .
    If appear to be ignorant with some aspect of his life then...they won't give you the visa. Some people have arrange marriages and I think the emmbassy is aware of this.

    Well okay, i would have to tell them for sure! Thanks Imonna and Byang its clear for me now......
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  15. #15
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    Application was refused...Need to appeal, Help!

    Hello All,

    I am newbie in this group and i am desperately seeking advise/help/tips on how i'll appeal to the eco's decision. I just got the decision today and I am so, so devastated because they refused my application for a fiancee visa. I can literally feel my heart squeeze the life out of me... huhuhu... I dont even know where to start! huhuhu.. ok, ok.. here's my story..

    Louis and I met christmas vacation year 2002 and we became a couple the following year. Unfortunately, on that same year i moved to manila for my work (i am originally residing here in Baguio, him in the province). Because of the distance and the nature of our work, we didnt have much time for each other until he went to UK last Oct. 2003. Last Jan 2004, we renewed our relationship (maybe bec now, we are more mature and have a deeper perspective about life). We have been together since even if our relationship is mostly based on emails, text messages, and calls. We are so in love we decided to get married. Since getting married in our hometown in the traditional way would require lots and lots of money, and he's not yet ready to go home, we decided that i should visit him in UK. During that time, we dont have enough evidence yet to support our relationship so i applied for a tourist visa and it was eventually approved. I flew to london last november and came back here in the Phil last april. We then gathered all necessary documents and proof of our relationship including letters, email, pics, phone bills and submitted it last june 22. It was only after i submitted my documents that i discovered this forum.. If i could have discovered it earlier, the tips and advises you all posted should have been a great help and would make me feel more assured.. i should have included ALL the letters and pics that we have. What i did was just send some samples of our letters and emails. For our pics , we dont have any before he went to london so most of the pics we sent were those taken during my visit.

    Now, after waiting for a month and getting ulcer due to worry and anticipation, my application was refused. They did say that i have the right to appeal but still, each day that pass that im not with louis is like a piece of me being torn apart.. I am still gaining strength to let louis know about the result and Im sure he will be as devastated as me.. I will be posting what the eco stated below so you could share your thoughts and help me understand what he meant and what else do we need to do. I considered getting legal advise about this but your advises would greatly be appreciated..

    Here's the decision:

    I have carefully considered your application on the basis of your passport, application form and the papers you have provided. you have declared that the information you have given is complete and true to the best of your knowledge. However, in view of information received from the Home Office, i am not satisfied that you have not failed to furnish suitable information for the purpose of deciding whether you require leave to enter the UK or, if you do, whether or on what terms leave should be given, and i am not prepared to exercise discretion in your favour. Your application is therefore refused in accordance with paragraph 320 (8) of the immigration rules. Your application has not been considered under any other provision of the immigration rules.

    In reaching this decision to refuse your application I have given careful consideration to your rights under article 8 of the european convention on human rights. However, i am satisfied that although there may be a perceived interference with your right to family life under article 8 such intereference is justified in the interests of maintaining an effective immigration control, and is proportionate to that aim and does not therefore breach your convention rights. I am also aware of the fact that there is nothing in english law that prohibits the sponsor from travelling to the philippines and enjoying family life with you in this country.


    So what does the eco meant? That we did not provide enough proof of our relationship? What did he meant that i did not "furnish suitable information for the purpose of deciding whether you require leave to enter the UK or, if you do, whether or on what terms leave should be given" ? Are we suppose to state the term s of the leave to remain? I understand louis can come here in the phil, but he works there now, and isnt it that we also have the right to live together as a family? I am totally lost. Please let me know your thoughts... Thanks...



  16. #16
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Brillant post with lots of useful info for those going to apply. Have a great flight and wish you much hapiness in the UK.

  17. #17
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    is justified in the interests of maintaining an effective immigration control
    That has to be the most sarcastic goverment comment yet

    Did you include a lovely cover note stating you'd already been and RETURNED (unlike some!!), and waffled on for about 3 pages? And one from your fella as well?

    Not sure if the main advice these days is to REAPPLY or APPEAL...someone else can tell you that (doesn't it mention it earlier in this thread?).
    Keith - Administrator

  18. #18
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    No, i did not include any note of that sort. What we did was to include a letter from my fiance stating that he does intend to marry me and would support me during my stay in UK. I never thought of including a letter from myself coz i assumed that they can see that in my passport. Shucks, im learning my lesson now that it is very dangerous to assume when it comes to the British embassy... We decided to appeal and this time include ALL evidence of our relationship (including a shoebox full of used calling cards louis collected the past years..)

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Your fiance needs to supply a 2/3 page cover note as well, including what you said, but also going into why he loves you, what he enjoys, plans for the future, etc. Does it help? Who knows, maybe they don't read half of them, but always best to supply what you think they need, then some more.

    I will say it seems a little hard faced of them to refuse you on the basis you have told us, unless you missed something out.
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    I have my application form here,i just want to ask how many photos do they want? and do i have to paste my photo at the first page of the application Form?
    Hope to hear any of your advise.Thanks
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  21. #21
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    just have one photo and paste it on the first page. don't staple any of your docs coz they don't like it.... I used big coloured paper clips to segregate related docs.

  22. #22
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Okay Byang, i called the UKVACS this morning, and they instructed me what to do with my application. This coming monday i will get the 2 managers check then after i will calll 2GO to pick up my applications....I manage them to put in 1 long brown enveloped..Thanks again
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  23. #23
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    Hello Keith,

    Thanks for the advise. We could have felt better if the eco specified what i missed out.. but he did not do so. By the way, im sorry i posted this in the wrong forum... ive been browsing on the other topics and im getting ideas on what we'll do next. thanks again.

  24. #24
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    hi byang,
    do you have any info about spousal visa?need help pls...

  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wheeladano
    hi byang,
    do you have any info about spousal visa?need help pls...
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Byang is applying for fiancee visa .as what you read in the first posts thats actually you have to do... Visit Petes gives you alot of infos
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  27. #27
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    hi ppl,
    i have this concern.i have applied for a visitor`s visa before because my husband to be told me to do so but i was denied so he suggested to visit me here in phily!so the problem goes like this.we plan to get married by october and after that we plan to apply for a spousal visa.i have my record already at the british embassy there any problem for me applying for spousal visa when got record for visit visa before?.

  28. #28
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    Arrow Thanks for updated this news!!!

    thx alot for updating about this. bcoz this is very useful information for new commers........

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    hello, newbie here, when we applied for a visa, oh back in 1st week of feb hmm, 2003 i think, we was told it would be 2 wks, 2 weeks passed, then 4, and 6, 8 wks passed, my wife had phone the embassy, only to be told they were waiting for police reports, i had also started emailing the embassy, only to find the person who emailed me had gone on holiday, or never replied, or a new person would reply, me being laid back put up with this til over 2 months had passed, i went on the web site, and emailed every manager or head of all the different departments, complaining, was there anybody who would answer me, and what is the problem, why dont you just reject the application so i can go and appeal, well i got a forwarded email from a manger at the embassy, who forwarded to someone else, saying it looked liked i was having a hard time, and could they sort it, my wife, with in a few hours got a call to go and pick up their passports, 2 months , wasted, wondering what the hell was going on.... !!! hope no one else goes thru that.. just shows you complain if you feel you getting no where... good luck !!

  30. #30
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Hi guys

    Hi guys,

    Im just new to this.Like you guys i aldo applied for fiance visa last month.Im still waiting fot the feedbacks.

    Yes you are all right just be honest.


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