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You need to tell the truth if anything todo with the British Embassy because they will find out anything about you. My wife over stayed in Japan for 2 years and never got caught but when she met me last year the only way for her to marry me was to go back to Philippines. So she surrended her self to the immigration police, luckily she wasn't detained because her sister was there to provide a home for her. But she had 2 weeks to get out of the country and she must show the immigration police that she had bought a ticket home within one week, well I got the ticket for her.
When we were applying for the spouse visa after we married in Manila, we wasn't sure what to put down because it asks about your previous visa's etc stuff about that subject. So we decided to put the truth down the whole truth, that she has been denied a visa before and that she has over stayed in Japan.
And guess what, we have her spouse visa granted within 2 months just got it 2 weeks ago, no interview no questions asked. Just a txt saying come collect your visa.
I think that the British border of immigration appreciates applicants telling the truth no matter how bad it is, because it takes alot of resources for them to chase up answers if they dont add up. Give them the information they need to help you get your visa, thats what there their for.
I think you should your bf the truth, ask your self, why would he get mad at you, your going to be mr and mrs your suppose to support each other.
Good luck!