I admit I am ever an optimist but in the last days the rate has been rising steadily, from a low of around 62 to right now 66.74. It seems that Barclays announcement that they do not now require Government help has increased confidence in the banks, their shares have recovered and the £ is being bought again. Once a trend starts it seems to attain a momentum of it's own as others jump on the band wagon determined not to miss out.
In these days I realise it only takes another piece of bad news for everything to go pear shaped but surely we have had all the bad now and this is the tip of the first green shoots of recovery. With the $ likely to catch the flu quite soon and the peso likely both to be dragged down with it and suffer it's own problems as the impact of the global crisis on the Philippine economy is more fully understood I have some optimism that the rate could now continue to rise. I always was a half full sort of guy!