How could anyone in his/her right frame of mind, consider to eat this abominable stuff, unless they are totally paralectic through copious amonts of drink...???
I think it is revolting stuff.
How could anyone in his/her right frame of mind, consider to eat this abominable stuff, unless they are totally paralectic through copious amonts of drink...???
I think it is revolting stuff.
Thanks Dom..You have just identified my favourite junk!
I love those things with everything on it and loads of chilli..
Like you say..Great after a good session but if Im honest,I had a cold one for breakfast once and it really wasn't that bad...
Hmm..This is making me hungry.
Anyone who holds a "Donor Card" should know this is where they end up! Surely that's why they call them "Doner kebabs!"
(I'm joking! I'm joking!)
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Sorry Dom - I'm with Fred. I used to LOVE my kebabs. I would pay big money if I could get one here. (Also, if I had any money!)
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
isnt that what you eat after drinking some of the wine you sell
i never like them either and always found them tasteless?
Nice...Plenty of chilli sauce on mine please.
Hhmm I love kebabs too! Even though it is unhealthy and supposed to be bad for you, it tastes good!
It seems to me that the company I keep on this forum lets me down on the gastronomy side of life.....
Come on folks.......... I am sure that you can do much, much better than this....
I fully realize that the british palate at large is non-existent but there is no need to show it in this way....
Oh, well............
Back to my Chicken Kiev in a light jus, with petit pois, souffle' d'epinard florentine, and pommes gratinee'...
And a glass or three of light vin rouge...
Those microwave meals are pretty good nowdays
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
who does the cooking?
sounds nice and wouldnt you prefer gravy instead of that jus
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