Where does this guy Paul think he is ? Tesco ? with his buy 1 get 2 free ?

It never ceases to amaze me just how some people view life, this Paul for example, writes letters to lots of different ladies, I can just see them hearing this one !

What does he think ladies of the Philippines are ? does he think they line up around the block because they are entering a singing and dancing contest ?

Does he think that if he tells them, Hey Baby, I am writing to lots of girls, just stand in line, and if your in with a chance, you will be informed by the judge that is of course me ?

Geeeeeeeze, Well Well Well, if a guy stays on FilipinoUK , he gets to see everything !

Rack em high and well em cheap, bring on the dancing girls, line em up, and I will take my pick, what a great way to find the love of your life in the Philippines.

I mean come on honestly, why didn't we all think of this idea, I should have wrote to lots of girls, tell em I am coming to Manila, get them to meet me at the Intercon, and it goes like this.

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British foreigner coming to Manila, seeks young girls for audition.
Age range, 18-30
Looks - Must be petite, have black hair, Black eyes, no wrinkles, nice features.
Names - Must be named, Ning, Nong, Neng, Nang, peaches, Apples, Lovely, Daisy, JennyLous, Bing, Bong, Beng, Bang, Tin Tin, Lek Lek, My My, and any other door bell names.


All of those of you, who received a confirmation slip, you must report to the concierge at the Intercontinental hotel, Makati City, (Adjacent Glorietta 4) on your appointment slip.

9.30am - Jennlyn Mercado.

10.00am - Claudio Barreta.

10.30am Angel Padua..

11.00am Mariposa

11.30am Luningning

And so forth, each girl will be given 30 minutes to present herself, and bring your portfolio of glamour shots with you.

Then you will be asked to tell me what is your talent ?

I.e. Singing and Dancing.

Then you will perform your act, I will then choose a short list of those going forward to round 2.

I am sure, our beloved Filipino ladies will all jump at the chance of this, after all what is the prize ? a chance to go to foreigner land, a Spouse visa, and at the end of 3 years, a British Passport.

I bet they can't wait to line up for you Pal !

Writing to lots of girls and they got upset and stopped writing ? hmmmmmm whats wrong with them ?

Petes comment !

Disgraceful behaviour, get a life pal ! speed dating and the X factor, do not make good foundations for a happy married life with a beautiful Filipina

Filipino wives are not just any wives, don't start treating our women like commodities, or you will find few friends on this forum.