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Thread: child of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s

  1. #1
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    Talking child of the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s


    1950's, 60' s, 70's and early 80's !!

    First, some of us survived being born to mothers who did not have an OB-Gyne and drank San Miguel Beer while they carried us.

    While pregnant, they took cold or cough medicine, a te Linunod, balikutsa, bukhayo and didn't worry about diabetes.

    Then after all that trauma, our baby cribs were made of hard wood covered with lead-based paints, ang uban kay duyan nga habol gihigtan ug pisi nga inigtabyog ug kusog ma pakong intawon ta sa bongbong.

    We had no soft cushy cribs that play music, no disposable diapers (lampin lang sa General Milling nga naa'y faded picture nga nag-salute), and when we rode our bikes, we had no helmets, no kneepads, wala pa gyu'y break ang bisikleta.

    As children, we would ride in hot un-airconditioned buses with wooden seats (Bisaya Bus nga pultahan puros ang kilid, Corominas Bus nga senimana ang brake), or cars with no airconditioning & no seat belts (karon kay Minibus na nga nindot kaayo ug sounds or Ceres Bus nga bugnaw ug aircon)

    Riding on the back of a carabao on a breezy summer day was considered a treat. (karon; ang mga bata wala na kaila ug Kabaw)

    We drank water from the garden hose and NOT bottled mineral water sa Nature Spring or Viva, or Absolute Mineral water (usahay gani, straight from the faucet or poso or Tabay!)

    We shared one soft drink bottle with four of our friends, and NO ONE actually died from this. Or contacted hepatitis.

    We ate rice with star margarine, bahaw nga gibutangan ug asin ug mantika sa baboy, drank raw eggs straight from the shell, and drank sofdrinks with real sugar in it (dili diet coke or Pepsi Max), but we weren't sick or overweight kay......


    We would leave home in the morning and play all day, and get back when the streetlights came on. Syatong, Bato-Lata, Bagol, Dakop-Dakop, Tago-Tago, Ngita'g Kaka.

    No one was able to reach us all day ( wala pa'y uso ang cellphone) . And yes, we were O.K.

    We would spend hours building our wooden trolleys (katong bearing ang ligid) or Karitong Kawayan nga karaang tsinilas ang giporma nga ligid and then ride down the street , wala ma'y gidungog nga naligsan atoh! After hitting the sidewalk or falling into a canal (sewage channel) a few times, we learned to solve the problem ourselves with our bare & dirty hands .

    We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, no video games at all, no 100 channels on cable, no DVD movies, no surround stereo, no IPOD's, no cell phones, no computers, no Internet, no chat rooms, and no Friendsters. ........ ...WE HAD REAL FRIENDS and we went outside to actually talk and play with them!

    We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth and there were no stupid lawsuits from these accidents. The only rubbing we get is from our friends with the words..sakit bai ? pero kung kontra gani nimo ang imong kadula,,,,singgitan lang dayon ug..Mayra,Gabaan!

    We played marbles (jolen) in the dirt , washed our hands just a little and ate Pan Bahug-bahug & Bagumbayan (recycled bread man diay to kay wala mahalin!) We were not afraid of getting germs in our stomachs.

    We had to live with homemade guns (giporma nga kahoy, gihigtan ug garter ug lastiko) , saplong , tirador ug uban pa nga pwedeng magkasakitay. Pero lingaw gihapon kaayo ang tanan.

    We made up games with sticks ( syatong ), and cans ( Bato-Lata )and although we were told they were dangerous, wala man gyud to'y actual nga nabuta bah, bukol lang nuon sa agtang naa.

    We walked, rode bikes, or took tricycles to a friend's house and knocked on the door or batoon ug gagmay nga bato ang bungbong, or just yelled for them to jump out the window!

    Mini basketball teams had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't pass had to learn to deal with the disappointment. Wala pa nang mga childhood depression ug damaged self esteem ek-ek ra na. Ang maglagot, pildi.

    Ang mga Ginikanan naa ra sa daplin para motan-aw ra sa duwa sa mga bata, dili para manghilabot ug makig-away sa ubang parents.

    That generation of ours has produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers, creative thinkers and successful professionals ever! They are the CEO's, Engineers, Doctors and Military Generals of today.

    The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas.

    We had failure, success, and responsibility. We learned from our mistakes the hard way.

    You might want to share this with others who've had the luck to grow up as real kids. We were lucky indeed.

    And if you like, forward it to your kids too, so they will know how brave their parents were.

    It kind of makes you wanna go out and climb a tree, doesn't it?!

    happy reading hehhehhehe to all my kababayan nga bisaya

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Agree with it all. How did we all survive!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Hehehe... though I cant understand the other terms lol..was worth reading it! Funnnnyyyy... so what do u think is left for our children's children? What is then the future? lol...

  4. #4
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    i had a normal childhood , experienced almost all of it on ur post.
    doesnt matter if u were born in the 50's, 60's, 70,s 80's or gen XY
    its how we take responsibilities and making the most of it in every aspect

    anyways, nice post enjoyed reading it bisaya man gud ko

  5. #5
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    so what do u think is left for our children's children?
    ..........and our children's, children's children!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  6. #6
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jencha8569;111842]i had a normal childhood , experienced almost all of it on ur post.
    doesnt matter if u were born in the 50's, 60's, 70,s 80's or gen XY
    its how we take responsibilities and making the most of it in every aspect

    anyways, nice post enjoyed reading it bisaya man gud ko[/QU

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