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Thread: Investors???

  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Has anyone else had the misfortune of dealing with Investors when trying to sell a house?

    I had some Investors that showed interest in my house about a year ago but offered poor prices although i accepted one of the prices that was offered but after we had started the process with the Solicitors the Investor pulled out.

    I got a call from my Estate Agent to say i had someone interested in looking at the house so we spent quite a while getting it ready, painting, gardening etc only to find out it was an Investor but i thought what the heck maybe this will be a good one.

    My house has fallen from its peak price of £155,000 to what is the going rate here for this type of house of £90,000.

    The Investor arrived and although he seemed ok i knew what would happen in that i would get a call the next day from the Estate Agent with a stupid offer..........

    Just got the call.............£70,000 what a surprise!!

    Rant over!!

  2. #2
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    An investor doesn't form an emotional attachment to a property like a potential owner/occupier will. They can afford to make silly offers and say "take it or leave it". They don't stand to make a good investment by paying the market value, do they? They will always find someone who is desperate enough to accept their offer.

    Although I was keen for a sale, since I was departing UK for the last time just four weeks later, when I had an offer on my house at 20k below asking price, I simply rejected it. The next day, the offer was increased to the asking price. - I wish I'd asked more!

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