DONT DONT DONT DONT i cannot tell you enouth do not invest in any banks in philippines with PDIC insurance .i have 3 million in closed rural banks and was insured by PDIC goverment insurance company. that investers pay for when you deposit money in banks all banks in philippine has to have PDIC coverege, PDIC has 60 billion in there volts for closed banks to pay investers back well it happens now that PDIC hasent the funds free. thay have invested the 60 billion in a time deposit to make 7 billion a year now PDIC is playing a game of giveing out bullsh1t to investers while thay try to have a loan of central bank to service the claims .but thay(central bank) have said no once allready saying PDIC has funds themselfs .(which thay carnt get hold off lol.)these are small rural banks that have closed so if bank like HSBC OR BPI SHUTS the **** will really hit fan PDIC said thay will service claims but when no one has any idea not even PDIC when you phone them. this country is really a third world country .i think that trust in PDIC and rural banks is slowly going down drain and people are takeing money out rural banks and a lot more will shut .if philippines is going to get any lower i think it is going to .it be holiday homes but somewear you never put money in to there banks