I reckon our lives are to be enjoyed!!

I feel my life is fantastic! Absolutely megatastic!

We don't want the worlds problems to be ours..we want the worlds joys, riches and pleasures!

I'm blase and dismissive of bad news stories, I always look up at the GOOD things in life! The media give us a grossly distorted view of the world, I think the world is in GOOD shape, and I think the human race is on the road to excellence!

There is so, so much goodness and infinate beauty in the world! Please don't make the mistake of forgetting this! I pretty much concentrate on nothing but the good things in life!

If you were cooking a meal, you wouldn't want to let something nasty get in the recipe! When your watching the news your letting something nasty into your life! I don't even watch it! I don't like being conditioned by it!

We can all improve the quality of our lives (quite dramatically!) by simply changing what we focus on!