Quote Originally Posted by Shayla View Post
Thanks Tony,

I received an email from ManilaVisaEnquiries@fco.gov.uk and said that there's no updates still regarding my visa application so with that I'll keep waiting and more patience till the ECO will get sick looking and checking with my papers.. hehe...

I just want them to phone me or email me soon as possible if ever there's an interview because it's too hard to sit down and wait here for the result.

Yeah hoping that the waiting will be over..Thanks a lot and God bless u too!.
Surely they know a genuine case ?
i cannot see why they can't issue it now,i know they can be busy but
surely 11 weeks is plenty of time for them to make a decision.
It just makes me annoyed when i hear of people who suffer this long wait
when there is no need !
maybe if the ECO understood how painful it is to be apart from your Loved one it would be different ?
do they understand our feelings /
Are they human by the way or machines programmed by the government ?

hope you will receive it this week anyway !

God bless you !