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Thread: You may be married to a Filipina if…

  1. #1
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    You may be married to a Filipina if…

    You may be married to a Filipina if

    * Your refrigerator is always full but you cannot find any food that you recognize

    * Instead of a dowry, you got the whole bill for the wedding and honeymoon

    * Most of the decorations in your house are made of wicker

    * You are expected to be able to read her mind just by watching her eyebrows move up and down and which way her lips are pointed

    * All her relatives think your name is Joe

    * The instant you are married you have 3000 new close relatives that you can’t tell apart

    * Your house isn’t really on fire, but there is a very charred fish right on top of the stove burner

    * All the desserts are sticky and all the snacks are salty…

    * She eats her fruit with giant salt crystals and her fried chicken with ketchup

    * You throw a party and everyone is fighting to chop the leathery skin off a dead pig (lechon)

    * All your kids have 4-5 middle names

    * Your in-laws take 10 years to acknowledge your existence and to call you by something other than “that white guy”

    * You try to call her up on the phone and someone tells you “for a while” and you want to know “for a while, what??”

    * Your phone bills are all international and average 3 hours per call

    * She sweeps with something that witches usually fly around on

    * The rice cooker is on 24 hours a day and uses up 50% of your electric and food budget

    * On your first trip to the Philippines, you have 18 giant boxes that weigh 1000 pounds each and your “carry on” luggage requires a small forklift truck

    * All her pajamas look like they were worn by the Dalai Lama until they got too faded

    * The first time she’s pregnant you have to go out at 4:00 in the morning looking for some weird type of greasy sausages

    * You buy a new _500 freezer so she can store 200 pounds of SPAM that was on sale

    * Everything in your house was bought on sale, even if you don’t need it long as it was a “bargain” is all that matters

    * She gets really excited by sucking the fat out of pig knees

    * Your daughter gets her ears pierced when she’s 2 minutes old but your sons are not circumcised until they turn 21

    * All your postage bills instantly double

    * You hire a Ya-Ya because your wife thinks you clean mirrors with soap and a sponge and the Ya-Ya seems cheaper than a divorce

    * The only “white meat” she likes is You, and that’s if you’re lucky

    * Her favorite sauce is called “patis,”

    * You were married 5 years before she explained to you that “ARAY!” doesn’t mean “ooh, baby!”

    * She prefers bistek to beef steak

    * Her idea of new upholstery is rinsing the bagoong stains out of the slip covers

    * She can eat and talk at the same time, in fact that’s her specialty!

    * Her favorite meal is leftovers, her favorite fancy dessert is Jello mold and for something REALLY romantic, she’ll offer you a halo-halo with 2 straws

    * Other than eyebrow raising and lip puckering, her next most expressive form of communication is grunts and pssst’s

    * Her homeland has more Megamalls than islands

    * Before every holiday and visit, her sisters text/email you a 10 page “bilins” list which says “suggestion only”

    * Your kitchen table has a merry-go-round in the middle

    * All the vegetables she buys at the Filipino store look like they were grown at Chernobyl

    * Her friends are named Chinky, Girlie, Boy and Bimbo and you are not allowed to smirk

    * Her home economics course only taught shopping, eating and siesta; cooking, cleaning and sewing were not electives

    * Her idea of edifying reading is gossip magazines

    * All your place settings has the silverware backwards and there are no knives

    * She washes her hair with a bucket and her car with a broom

    * She’s done her best job planning a surprise party for you if she manages not to tell you about it until a week or two before

    * She “cleans” her closet by throwing all the crap into your closet

    * AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: You are pretty proud of yourself because you think you snagged up for yourself some unique, rare, tropical goddess type until you go to the Philippines and can’t tell her apart from anyone else in the whole country (unless she’s taller than 5′1″, then it’s a bit easier)

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    thats true i hate one were she talks and eats i feel sick .i tell my wife talk after eating i dont like looking at you chewing rice wife uses american english .god we used to argue lots about whos english is right. lol i said im english thats end of it lol even thouth im brummy (my english and spelling and grammer is bad lol ) but took neally four years we never argue now all happy but takes time and not easy but worth it gaz/maybs

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit123 View Post
    thats true i hate one were she talks and eats i feel sick .i tell my wife talk after eating i dont like looking at you chewing rice wife uses american english .god we used to argue lots about whos english is right. lol i said im english thats end of it lol even thouth im brummy (my english and spelling and grammer is bad lol ) but took neally four years we never argue now all happy but takes time and not easy but worth it gaz/maybs

    But you all love Filipinas no matter what!!!!...

    Like Pete complaining about stinky okra in vinegar!!! lol

  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I have no complaints of any kind about my Vimvie! I am happily married! I don't think she is though..

    (I'm joking!)

    I love my wife!I love my wife!I love my wife!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
    6 — Plane of Forces
    5 — Astral Plane
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    3 — Too mysterious to describe.
    2 — Too mysterious to describe.
    1 — Too mysterious to describe.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you hear or read the word 'pera' you know you are

  6. #6
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I have no complaints of any kind about my Vimvie! I am happily married! I don't think she is though..

    (I'm joking!)

    I love my wife!I love my wife!I love my wife!:cwm38:

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if you hear or read the word 'pera' you know you are

  7. #7
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    Not all Filipinas are like that though. some are sweet and so malambing. The only reason you feel that way it's because .... am I allowed to say cruel things here? maybe not.


  8. #8
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amam62 View Post

    Not all Filipinas are like that though. some are sweet and so malambing.

    2) The only reason you feel that way it's because .... am I allowed to say cruel things here? maybe not.

    2) go on then.. hehehe...

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