Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
I think I mentioned it before that I live in a share accomodation with 4 diff people (international nationalities me, filipino, African, Chinese and Czech) I refused to live my co-filipinos bec its quite hard in a sense that we filipinos like "tampo" we are much better if we are not together aside from some special ocassions and work of course.

Anyway, my Q's is the 4 of us sharing same internet connection/broadband. Do you think is it safe doing that..? how about that wireless broadband offered by cellphone company are they okay? Thanks
If you chat with someone and you didn't delete all your cookies, history etc., I can detect what webpage, whom you chatted with, and some info. That is if we use same PC/laptop.

The best thing you do is to delete and clean all your histories/cookies after using your pc.

Click START-PROGRAMS-ACCESORIES-SYSTEM TOOLS-DISK CLEAN UP. Then choose all you want to delete

you can make a shortcut so you don't need to browse too much.

You can also try this:
Look for the TOOLS (beside page) on the upper right of your explorer.
Click INTERNET OPTIONS, CLICK DELETE ALL AND THEN CLICK OK. that will delete all your coockies and histories, passwords used etc.