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Thread: I have been ripped off....

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  1. #1
    Member pinky's Avatar
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    mr they say, in every country..there are downsides and goodsides...i'm from Quezon city and happy to be one of the many Filipinos living a nice life... Thanks God!!!...if ul visit the Phils....don't hesitate to contact show u the other side of life of the Filipinos...comfortable, happy, good and peaceful life..... One thing that we, Filipinos are proud....PINOYS ARE HOSPITABLE!!!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinky View Post
    mr they say, in every country..there are downsides and goodsides...i'm from Quezon city and happy to be one of the many Filipinos living a nice life... Thanks God!!!...if ul visit the Phils....don't hesitate to contact show u the other side of life of the Filipinos...comfortable, happy, good and peaceful life..... One thing that we, Filipinos are proud....PINOYS ARE HOSPITABLE!!!!
    Nice one Pinky,especially this one--------------- "and happy to be one of the many Filipinos living a nice life... Thanks God!!" ( I second the motion)

    and yes very hospitable

  3. #3
    Member nidadonnachie@y's Avatar
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    well immeet my husband through online but i never ask money to him even do he offered me b4 he come over i said no.eveen now his in uk i ddnt ask him to sent me money coz im working and i can support myself.and just to prove to him that im true to him. well goodluck to u hope u meet the real careful and sorry to hear bout ur story.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidadonnachie@y View Post
    well immeet my husband through online but i never ask money to him even do he offered me b4 he come over i said no.eveen now his in uk i ddnt ask him to sent me money coz im working and i can support myself.and just to prove to him that im true to him. well goodluck to u hope u meet the real careful and sorry to hear bout ur story.

    yeah ... INDEPENDENT WOMEN are really good ...

    sometimes (all the time) it makes me sad reading all threads about Brits being ripped off by co-filipinas and left them broken hearted and all...

    coz some Brits or other nationalities are also genuine and all they offer is their love but here come the Pinays... all asking but money... huhuhuhu really scary, annoying, outrageous and gutted...

  5. #5
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    As much as i know there are scammers out there you have to remember there are genuine girls who ask for money simply because of the desperate needs of their family..

  6. #6
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    yeah ... INDEPENDENT WOMEN are really good ...

    sometimes (all the time) it makes me sad reading all threads about Brits being ripped off by co-filipinas and left them broken hearted and all...

    coz some Brits or other nationalities are also genuine and all they offer is their love but here come the Pinays... all asking but money... huhuhuhu really scary, annoying, outrageous and gutted...
    the trouble here is that we list all the so called scammer and bad things filipinas do but we should also look at all the bad things foreign men do to filipinas and i think you will find more girls being badly treated and taken advantage of

    just because a girl asks for money someone as to give it to them first and you can always say no!

  7. #7
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    but we should also look at all the bad things foreign men do to filipinas and i think you will find more girls being badly treated and taken advantage of !

    yeah, my husband totally agree with you... coz some are really being badly treated like: MAN will ask the girl to marry then she became his slave, HIS PUNCHING BAG ETC... She got no voice because she thinks that she owe her life to the MAN whom she married (giving money etc while they were dating, pull her out from poverty, "helped" her from financial distress and all). So, here comes the MAN doing nothing but make her life miserable...

  8. #8
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Yes, I fully agree with that but it is obvious that the image of the "Asian" woman is pretty distorted in the mind of many western men!

  9. #9
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    men mistreating women

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    yeah, my husband totally agree with you... coz some are really being badly treated like: MAN will ask the girl to marry then she became his slave, HIS PUNCHING BAG ETC... She got no voice because she thinks that she owe her life to the MAN whom she married (giving money etc while they were dating, pull her out from poverty, "helped" her from financial distress and all). So, here comes the MAN doing nothing but make her life miserable...
    im sorry but mine other way round about year ago i had agument with my wife i went for walk down garden she came out and fired two shoots at ground by my feet i said ffs. she said come back lets talk about this and sort it out yep i said good idea lol now if we dont aggrea we leave the guns in the house lol but the first year together was hardest after that its great lol gaz/maybs

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    yeah ... INDEPENDENT WOMEN are really good ...

    sometimes (all the time) it makes me sad reading all threads about Brits being ripped off by co-filipinas and left them broken hearted and all...

    coz some Brits or other nationalities are also genuine and all they offer is their love but here come the Pinays... all asking but money...

  11. #11
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    Davao City is very peaceful....and lots to visit.Especially natures tripping. Hope Mindanao is not Known for ABu Sayaff DEN. So SAD.They are known hiding in Sulu. But last time GMA featured SULU..The City has a Great Treasure..THEIR NATURES.And People are very friendly and so innocent.Thats why sometimes I am upset about the Travel Advisory. Cheers!! lol.

    Good Luck Pacificelectric ^_^ hope she is the right girl for you. ANd Enjoy your Visit here soon.

  12. #12
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Actually there seems to be a gap between the advice you get from your government and what the locals tell you. Still you need to be aware of some things that western media ignore.... I also encountered a Filipina from the Zamboanga peninsula, on the western part of Mindanao, she was from a small town named Ipil (on the coast). She told me if I wanted some info about Ipil I just needed to look up in the Net, which I did. And I was a bit surprised to find out that in 1992 Ipil had been attacked from the sea by a gang of terrorists who razed the city center and killes 72 people.

    The next day on the phone of course I asked her about it.
    - You knew about the terrorist attack in 1992?
    - Oh yes, I was there.
    - What do you mean?
    - I was home and saw these men walking on the street in front of the house.
    - And what if they had come in and shot everyone?
    - Oh no, we had locked up the gate.
    - .........

    what could I answer to that???? At least I am glad to know that in some parts of the world terrorists respect private property!!!!

  13. #13
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    zamboanga city

    Quote Originally Posted by pacificelectric View Post
    Actually there seems to be a gap between the advice you get from your government and what the locals tell you. Still you need to be aware of some things that western media ignore.... I also encountered a Filipina from the Zamboanga peninsula, on the western part of Mindanao, she was from a small town named Ipil (on the coast). She told me if I wanted some info about Ipil I just needed to look up in the Net, which I did. And I was a bit surprised to find out that in 1992 Ipil had been attacked from the sea by a gang of terrorists who razed the city center and killes 72 people.

    The next day on the phone of course I asked her about it.
    - You knew about the terrorist attack in 1992?
    - Oh yes, I was there.
    - What do you mean?
    - I was home and saw these men walking on the street in front of the house.
    - And what if they had come in and shot everyone?
    - Oh no, we had locked up the gate.
    - .........

    what could I answer to that???? At least I am glad to know that in some parts of the world terrorists respect private property!!!!
    no if you read about zamboanga city its really really bad lol my brother said ill give you year you ll be dead or kidnapped lol i been here 4 years my heads gone but im ok lol there was a case here that a guy nocked on someones door and the owner looked throuth the spy hole in door and bang thay saw him look and fired a gun throuth it lol dead as anythink. we had a nock on our door it was dark i allways keep away from door in case thay shoot you throuth the door. lol i said who is it a reply was its police open door.i said what you want he said police buiness we need to chat to you .i said come back in light .no open door or we will break it down . my wife next to me now . i said we will shoot you if you enter with out our permission. we both had our guns loaded and ready my wife on left of door me on right both pointing 40 cal at the door going to empty 16 rounds each at the door lol. it went quiet then we heard some bikes drive of we never heard any more about it. we just reported it to brangy captain in morning lol (philippines law if anyone is in your property with out permission you can shoot them with no recouse of law its your property very good law allways be ready for anythink then if nothink happens it ok my wife is care giver and she carrys 2 guns all time one down back of her trousers a 380 james bond gun and a smith&wesson 40 cal in her bag both loaded with one in barrel thay are kidnapping normal pinoys now nurses and care givers and teachers any one i allways say if you shoot someone allway allways go finish em of with one to head then you dont have to pay medical bills for them trick now is if your on bike (we have 3 ) is pull up next to you and get you to stop then take your bike normally 2 bikes 4 people i said let them have your bike back off then as soon as thay pull of on the bike get gun out and shoot them your bike rider first then others in back again go finish em off (or thay come back for revenge later when thay recover lol.

  14. #14
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    Hahaha that was funny pacific,they think bullet can't enter into locked gate ah

    there's no such thing that terrorist respect innocent or as you said private property

  15. #15
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Even on a quiet island like Palawan we were advised by the PNP to get one shotgun for our caretaker and at least one automatic for ourselves to keep in the house!!! funniest piece of advice was that if there was an intruder and we chased them, was to make sure we shot them before they got over the wall/railings as it was okay then as they were on our property. They actually told our caretaker to drag them back in if they made it over the wall wounded and then make sure they could not intrude again. We thought it was all very over the top at the time but things can happen especially of your property is very grand compared to the locals.

    We have never had any issues there but I guess at least we are prepared. We added a camera over the front gate last year and sensor lights over the main doors.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  16. #16
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Waow, this reminds me of some stories I have read and heard on in South Africa after the apartheid regime stopped. The whites and their employees were subjected to a high level of attacks and since that time crime has been soaring there. But from what I read above Zamboanga is the pits.... I hope things are different in Davao City!

  17. #17
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    I think it is only fair to re-iterate that we never feel unsafe or threatened as we go about in Palawan. We are very friendly with our local neighbours, we employ some of them whenever we need work doing, If I am popping into Puerto I hate driving past locals waiting for a trike or jeepney so I always fill the pick up (I am amazed how many they put on the deck). At any fiesta time we always contribute lechon or use some of our grounds for events (we have a full size basketball court size slab of concrete for parking cars which is very popular with the local kids) and we generally invlolve ourselves in the local barangay activities to what ever extent we can. Even when we rented our property out to a Swiss friend we stipulated to him that he should continue to consdier requests to use the "basketball court".

    Filipinos are nearly always friendly, welcoming and hospitable. I hope you and your girl work out and that you have a great time when you get over
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  18. #18
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    I found this map of the Philippines on the website of the French Embassy in Manila. THe colors are self-explanatory and are pretty consistent with what I have read around...

  19. #19
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    I wish that the British Authorities would recognise that some parts of Mindanao are safe. Davao is often described as the safest city in Philippines (and acknowledged by the British Consul from Manila in our meeting with her today).

    Having said that, your map shows Tagum in an orange area, and our beach and our farms are in the red area to the east of Davao, so it still isn't specific enough.

  20. #20
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    Yes, I agree that this map is not very specific, but it probably takes into account the fact that because of various facts the "color" can change for the better or for the worse, according to military or police operations or to the relocation of some activist groups. And I am sure that even in the green areas a certain level of precaution is required.....

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