I think it is only fair to re-iterate that we never feel unsafe or threatened as we go about in Palawan. We are very friendly with our local neighbours, we employ some of them whenever we need work doing, If I am popping into Puerto I hate driving past locals waiting for a trike or jeepney so I always fill the pick up (I am amazed how many they put on the deck). At any fiesta time we always contribute lechon or use some of our grounds for events (we have a full size basketball court size slab of concrete for parking cars which is very popular with the local kids) and we generally invlolve ourselves in the local barangay activities to what ever extent we can. Even when we rented our property out to a Swiss friend we stipulated to him that he should continue to consdier requests to use the "basketball court".

Filipinos are nearly always friendly, welcoming and hospitable. I hope you and your girl work out and that you have a great time when you get over