Originally Posted by
Sounds like a good plan, but I would make it sort of an ultimatum, because it seems to me that your allowing her to draw this situation out. Like the boss says, if she won't go now, she won't go later, even when you've gone through hundreds of crying down the phone episodes.
Don't take my lack of sympathy in the wrong way, there maybe genuine reasons behind all of this and her distress may also be genuine, but at the end of the day, a wife, or prospective wife must have and must demonstrate genuine commitment to her prospective husband.
If she won't move away from her family to resolve this situation, then I don't think her commitment to you is as strong as it will need to be to see you through to marriage and all the visa hassle, etc, etc, that will have to be overcome in the future. She could pack a suitcase and jump on an overnight ferry to Cebu for about P600, then book into a hotel for a couple of nights while she looks around for a boarding house. I'm sure there are lots of girls on this forum over in Cebu that would help her to find somewhere to live over there. The question is, is her commitment to your relationship strong enough to make her do this.