Great News Sim![]()
I am so happy for the both of you
Keep loving..keep smiling....
God Bless!
Great News Sim![]()
I am so happy for the both of you
Keep loving..keep smiling....
God Bless!
Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.
Her Simon. Good luck with eveything. I really enjoyed my times in CdO. I usually travel from there to Nasipit or Butuan. Are you staying in CdO itself?
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
I am glad that you are spending time together and "get to know each other" better to cement that special relationship...
Planning a future, together, now, is of imperative importance as it will impede the family from putting any more spanners in the works.
My suggestion is to buy her a small laptop and get her on broadband so that lines of communication are always open, and in the long run also cheaper.
All the best, we are rooting for you.
Dom & Jet
Great news Simon, we are very happy for you both, may your relationship grow and grow
great so happy for the both of you.goodluck
with everything.
nice to hear from u simon wish u good luck and stAy in love.
Brilliant news Sim, we are so happy for you.Goodluck there
Glad to hear that Sim, been following your story on this post - life is sometimes pretty complicated, but full of nice surprises too.
Don't you want to put it together as a screenplay? Reckon it would be very interesting for Hollywood![]()
wowwww we will looking for the screen play then... can you do that ? all of us here will gonna be watch for .. who's will be the actor and actress for that screen play? wish you and your ... to be a favor with sim or better both of them.. a newbie to read all the story here and sorting what i can say .... no hurt feelings ....
wwwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii........ great great news! love can indeed move mountains.... wedding bells soon eh? cool!!! at least you were able to prove that you're her choice... i can see now that you can't stop smiling... hehehe
hi sim really nice to hear good news ur getting married thats good u really mean to husband dont like much bout thisforum he wants to keep his life frivate but he read some.
Great news Sim
Im so pleased for you, hope it goes well until the end![]()
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
Do we get an advance
Sigi sigi Kimmi sigi sigi![]()
Hiya! friendHow is life in Norfolk?
Ladybug is indeed my special friend.Kimmi sussed that out.
Seriously though, thanks everyone you must be sick of this thread now?
We are just here still in Cagayan de Oro City, just enjoying being together.
Taking things easy.
I even ate Balotthe other night, which I swore I would never do. I think I'm turning native. Getting quite adventurous on the food front.
Eating kwik kwik etc. etc.
yum yum.
Got the imodium ready.![]()
I am pleased everything is going spiffingly well for you old chap, now pass the port, please....
Balut....... Not even double strenght imodium can deal with that...
Ok, so what's in the future for you two.
Have the family accepted the fact that you two are an unbreakable item, yet???![]()
The future is looking good...
When I arrived her family, were still not in contact with her.
Her mother has since phoned to see that she is ok.
They know I am with her, as there has been more contact made. She's 5 hours away by bus from her folks home. So yes I think they have accepted the situation.
I have to say a big thank you to a couple of her friends, who were unhappy about the situation she found herself in. They didn't give up on her.
To the doubters, this was a very real situation...An agreement was made between the 2 families...She would have been married by now.
Thankfully, she was already living independently, so took flight from the situation...She has risked everything & hopefully now things can resume as they were before.
I'm just so glad, she found the strength within her...
It's so good to be back by her side...I love her dearly.![]()
Hi Sim, I am fairly new here and married a Filipina last April and we are finally getting her settlement visa for the UK sorted, I have found we brits say somthing and of course we know what we mean, but our lovely Filipina's somtimes do not get our thoughts correct and the same can happen with what they say to us.
Also there could be pre wedding nerves here, I know I had some but also knew my wife to be was the best thing that could happen to me.
Please let us know how this goes if you visit her again, my thoughts anf hopes are with you.
Congratulations Sim at last you have sorted it out. Now your thread is on page 7 and ended well.
And they live happily ever after............
" The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "
True Love conquers allgood luck and have a happy time together.
Hi everyone
Thanks again, just got home 3/4 hour ago.
Too knackered to read this properly, but have had a great time, apart from the upset stomach...Sad to be home.
Sound advice as always Joe.
Aposhark...October, unless we can do it sooner.![]()
good to hear form u simon ur both ok and happy couple.goodluck for the wedding soon
Thanks Florge, I think we might start losing members through boredom, if it carries on much longer.![]()
We certainly hope so.
Looks like we will get married at a Beach Resort. We had a look around several & spoke to people there. We think we have chosen the one...Watch this space.
Thank you nids, stay happy yourself.![]()
Hi Sim,hoping this time,shev wouldnt change her mind before October come,wish you all the best my friend
awww shocks,i made it into page 8![]()
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