hi sim, im a newbie here...and ur story is like a novel...i do understand how u feel until this time...iv been reading the threads and waiting for ur next move...my situation was a bit similar to what is happening between u and ur ex(?) gf...but the difference is I waited for 5 years for him to marry me and then one day..he told me..he lost that loving feeling for me. I got engaged there in UK...Thai Square Restaurant...almost a year ago..then few months after that he dropped me...i was asking him the real reason/s but he always told me that one day he woke up and realized that he lost that feeling for me...quite strange huh? And what I did, I packed all my stuffs and went back to the Phils. as I was so devastated by what happened....Until now, I can't figure out what went wrong along the way but I do believe whatever is happening is all God'swill for me and for u. They say, there is always light after the tunnel...

Goodluck to u and enjoy life to the fullest!!!!!