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Thread: Ever Heard A Story Like This?????

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Exclamation Ever Heard A Story Like This?????

    A friend of mine has told me that he has a friend living in some African country (Angola or something..)

    He was driving his car back home late one night, after a night out with friends and he came up against a vehicle blocking the road....he felt that something wasn't quite right and drove around it rather than risk stopping in what he thought to be bit of a dodgey area...

    As he drove around he bumped over a bit of board or something...he just got out of there and drove home..

    The next day he learned that the vehicle blocking the road was put there to force him to stop! It was an attempted car jacking! The plan was that he would stop his car and then men hiding under the bit of board would jump out, attack him, and steal his car!

    So instead he'd driven over the board and killed them! Should we feel sorry for them?

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

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  2. #2
    Member Sketco's Avatar
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    Ever heard a story like that?....

    In Rhodesia 78 to 80 every second day
    In Mozambique 80 to 83 every day
    They do have a nifty little line in under car flame throwers for anti hijacking in sth africa now.. a little googling provides hours of you tube amusement.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    How about this one?

    Criminals are coming up with craftier, less threatening methods of attack, so we have to be extra cautious.

    A woman was lured by money with this scheme…

    As she pulled away from the store, a man approached her truck from the back side of the store (an unlit area). He was an 'approachable- looking' man (clean cut, clean shaven, dressed well, etc). He walked up to her window and knocked. Since she very paranoid and 'always looking for the rapist or killer,' she didn't open the window.

    She just asked what he wanted. He raised a $5 bill to her window and said, 'You dropped this.' Since she knew she had gone into the store with a certain amount of money, she knew she didn't drop it.

    When she told him it wasn't hers, he began hitting the window and door, screaming at her to open her door, and insisting that she had dropped the money! At that point, she just drove away as fast as she could.

    Criminals been attacking in the daytime, when women are less likely to have their guard up.

    So think about it...what gesture is nicer than returning money to someone that dropped it?????

    How many times would you have opened your window (or door) to get your
    money and say thank you.... because if the person is kind enough to return something to you, then he can't really be a threat....can he????

    Please be cautious! This might not have been the serial killer... but anyone that gets that angry over someone not accepting money from them can't have honorable intentions. The most important thing to note is that his reaction was NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! A total surprise! But what might have happened if she had opened her door?

    P.S. Ladies, even if this man wasn't a serial killer, he looked nice, he seemed polite, he was apparently doing an act of kindness, but HE WAS NOT A NICE PERS ON!!!
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

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