just wanted to thank you guys again for the help. A little more about me I am not from the UK actually i live in the states in texas so ill have to figure out the costs on my own. As for the living arrangements talking to her she would move to texas, but depending on how were doing financially we may move to phiilipines to raise our family. I know we havent gotten to meet face to face yet so theres a chance all of our plans are for naught but heres to hoping it all works out. Virturally we are a great match, I am hoping that we are physically aswell. I am still not employeed this recession has put a hold on any plans we might make. Tomorrow ill be opening up a savings account tho with my income tax and hopefully in the next few months will find work. I currently have no clue how hard it is to get a visa in the states, I am hoping tho with her college experience that she will be able to attain one. Good news is that I have no bad habits so saving money should be easy, just gotta find a way to get it comming in thats the hard part. Thanks again for all of your support.