I think Clarkson is a complete idiot that loves the sound of his own voice. I can`t remember his exact words but the stuff he said about motorcyclists years ago was terrible. If he died tommorow I couldnt care less.
As for Carol Thatcher, well didnt we stop using that word years ago?
It was on some brands of jam I seem to remember.
Is it ok to use that word now? No of course not, she was wrong and no matter how pompus her voice is she shouldnt get away with it.
If this country is so bad why are we still here? Cos it still has something to offer us. And cos some people like nothing better than to continually moan about something.
Everybody has a choice so pack your bags and off you go to your paradise if you don`t like it.
If other countries offered us as much wouldnt we be there? I`d have thought so but then like I say it`s easier to stay here and moan than have the guts to start a new life.
My wife has been here in England less than a week and we`ve registered her son in school ( he starts on monday ) and been to the doctors. Also we`ve had some treatment and a prescription. This is all free. It was easier to do all this than buy a set of headphones in Phil, which required what seemed like an armed guard and at least 3 people to sign various sheets of paper, in various long queues. They were only 500 pesos!

So i`m very happy and the moment and i`m always proud to be English.