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Thread: Shut Up!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
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    Shut Up!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sometimes I get sick and tired of this country taking itself so seriously and finding fault and offence at anything or anyone who dares say something out of line. This time its Clarkson joking about Gordo:

    Just let me out of this stupid country, away from the mountain of morals, rules, regulations, CCTV cameras and Political Correctness.

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    Telling the truth as one sees it, would get you chastized and ostracised.
    So according to the "new" rules you are supposed to get on and in the without complaint.

    To many people think that they are the guardians of decency nowadays, look at Carol Thatcher's case.
    Innocent remarks about nothing, really, brought against her by the most disgusting TV personality, disguised as a comedienne, got her fired from her show.
    A shop in Sandringham slated for selling ethnic looking dolls....

    Yes, I agree Rob, moving away from this madness would help settle the blood pressure....

  3. #3
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    This country sold us out long ago.

    We can either fight for a restoration of the values we care about (ie the
    ordinary, well-adjusted people), or we can get the hell out.

    I've given up the fight.... being accused of "extremist" views
    (traditional in my view), having to defend my position & stance, being careful
    what I say in public or the work place...
    .... it was affecting my health & well-being.

    Now, I just let it wash over me with a "You see, I was right" grin on my face
    .. or a "I told you so" smile.

    Just waiting for the day my son finishes his education.... then OFF, and unlikely to return.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    "The current crisis is a world one...." - Brown


    Unless of course you live in India, Sweden, Norway, Brazil, Chile, New Zealand, S Africa....etc....etc....
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    am i the only one who will be left here

    it doesnt matter where you go it will catch up with you sooner or later

    and stop reading the nonsense in the written press

  6. #6
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    then choose w/c one you want to go PI or UK (rumble the world it will come out p...)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    am i the only one who will be left here

    it doesnt matter where you go it will catch up with you sooner or later

    and stop reading the nonsense in the written press
    No, its NOT nonsense, maybe slightly sexed up.

    On a more serious note, what matters most is that your happy, and maybe I'm in the minority here, but money isn't really a big deal, as long as theres enough to get by, thats the priority surely? Money DOES NOT buy you happiness, maybe a bit of security and a nice house. All I hear about day after day on TV or the radio is money, money, money. Gordo says borrow money. NO! Then we hear about the bankers of nationalised banks wanting to take their huge bonuses. NO! How the snow is losing the country billions ££££ in lost trade, bummer.

    Ok so, yes, you do need money to get by, but somehow we've become slaves to it all. New car with a 4 year loan? No thanks! 45 inch plasma TV on interest free credit? Boring! Why can't we appreciate the simple things in life? Why can't we be happy with what we have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    then choose w/c one you want to go PI or UK (rumble the world it will come out p...)

    Malta does not start with a "p"

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Money DOES NOT buy you happiness, maybe a bit of security and a nice house.
    hubby 1000x telling me that words
    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Why can't we appreciate the simple things in life? Why can't we be happy with what we have.
    that's what people are,
    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Malta does not start with a "p"
    thats not what i mean PIUK Mod,sorry ask Elsa what the other words of that hehe (wink)

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Ok so, yes, you do need money to get by, but somehow we've become slaves to it all. New car with a 4 year loan? No thanks! 45 inch plasma TV on interest free credit? Boring! Why can't we appreciate the simple things in life? Why can't we be happy with what we have.
    I just pay cash.....usually in a brown envelope in the car park

    If money can't buy happiness, why aren't prostitutes free?
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Money DOES NOT buy you happiness
    of course it does, if i had money i wouldn't be getting up 5am everyday freezing my , i be sat under a palm tree in the phils

    and how many people with money have you heard say that

    as for clarkson that why is that talentless still on tv, he should be sacked for what he said last time, so he be gone , wasting license payers money on that at least ross has more talent than him

    i'm more offended by him poking fun at brown than than what ross or thatcher said, as its a disability, bit like jokes about scousers

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    One of the Blind charities complained ......are they looking after a cyclops now and don't want him upset, especially as he was born in Scotland....and an idiot?
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    One of the Blind charities complained ......are they looking after a cyclops now and don't want him upset, especially as he was born in Scotland....and an idiot?
    Ok, taking the disability out of the equation, I must agree with Jeremy.....

    He is still a lying, un-elected to the post, moronic, kilt wearing, weasly north of the border idiot that single handedly brought this, once great country, to its knees.

    I reckon that this Gov. destroyed any sense of britishness, and if Argentina invaded the Falklands again, nothing would be done to evict them.

  14. #14
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    I think Clarkson is a complete idiot that loves the sound of his own voice. I can`t remember his exact words but the stuff he said about motorcyclists years ago was terrible. If he died tommorow I couldnt care less.
    As for Carol Thatcher, well didnt we stop using that word years ago?
    It was on some brands of jam I seem to remember.
    Is it ok to use that word now? No of course not, she was wrong and no matter how pompus her voice is she shouldnt get away with it.
    If this country is so bad why are we still here? Cos it still has something to offer us. And cos some people like nothing better than to continually moan about something.
    Everybody has a choice so pack your bags and off you go to your paradise if you don`t like it.
    If other countries offered us as much wouldnt we be there? I`d have thought so but then like I say it`s easier to stay here and moan than have the guts to start a new life.
    My wife has been here in England less than a week and we`ve registered her son in school ( he starts on monday ) and been to the doctors. Also we`ve had some treatment and a prescription. This is all free. It was easier to do all this than buy a set of headphones in Phil, which required what seemed like an armed guard and at least 3 people to sign various sheets of paper, in various long queues. They were only 500 pesos!
    So i`m very happy and the moment and i`m always proud to be English.

  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    we stop using that word years ago?
    Only in this country have we made perfectly innocent words into foul language, racism....etc....
    Gollywog is a black doll, Barbie is a dumb blonde.....
    Racist......the word has been expanded to include every that a minority might complain about rather than WHAT IT ACTUALLY MEANS (see dictionary)

    I say what the I want to say, if it upsets someone I don't give a .....however I respect people who say, do not swear, and I will not swear when I'm with them.....common sense.

    As for Clarkson, yes he loves himself, but I've never heard him say anthing I find offensive....I generally call it humour, but then, the government are doing a good job of dumbing that down as well as the economy

    Gordon smiling >>>
    Gordon upset >>>
    Gordon crying >>>
    Gordon laughing >>>
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Now now gents no need for the abuse, is this because you guys South of the border are feeling the pinch more than your brothers from the North! All the Europe nations have been hit hard, even the isolated Russians are suffering! As for Clarkson, he has made Top gear one of the most watched tv series in the world, the BBC will never let him go, they would loose too much!

  17. #17
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    There was a restaurant in the UK called gollywogs,run by three black guys,the local council told them they cant call it that and had to change the name to golly's..
    Also a blind guy on a radio program who said he was fed up with being called partially sighted or visually impaired.He said if I hold my hand in front of my face I still cant see because im Blind.

  18. #18
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Was I told to shut up?

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
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  19. #19
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Gollywog is a black doll...
    When I was a kid, 'Little Black Sambo' was one of my favourite books - I guess that it's no longer in print now!

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    When I was a kid, 'Little Black Sambo' was one of my favourite books - I guess that it's no longer in print now!
    Gollywogs have vanished from all the childrens books as they obviosuly turned us all into racists for life!
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Hey, I was wrong .. it's still available .. on Amazon.

    For those who don't want to buy the book, the entire story is here.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    Now now gents no need for the abuse, is this because you guys South of the border are feeling the pinch more than your brothers from the North! All the Europe nations have been hit hard, even the isolated Russians are suffering! As for Clarkson, he has made Top gear one of the most watched tv series in the world, the BBC will never let him go, they would loose too much!

    Your feel it when us south of the border cant send you our tax money as the debt collectors at the door

    Gordon if he had been a good scot during his time in charge of the UK's finances would not have made half the mistakes he has. Surely when we had the good times saving a few quid and not selling assets off at a time when they are at a low and broadcast it to the world was not a clever idea?
    Of course norman lamont was just as rubbish so red and blue scot no good with money

    My scotish ancestors would be turning in their grave

    Just because everyone in the world suffering doesn't excuse his poor performance and untruths The Uk is in a far worse postion to deal with this than many countries. Blimey even phill was paying off debts when the good times were happening..

    I dont agree with clarksons and the disabilty comment oversteps the mark. But he is a charcter we need like many we need those who are outspoken and dont always conform with what others say.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I think Clarkson is a complete idiot that loves the sound of his own voice. I can`t remember his exact words but the stuff he said about motorcyclists years ago was terrible. If he died tommorow I couldnt care less.
    As for Carol Thatcher, well didnt we stop using that word years ago?
    It was on some brands of jam I seem to remember.
    Is it ok to use that word now? No of course not, she was wrong and no matter how pompus her voice is she shouldnt get away with it.
    If this country is so bad why are we still here? Cos it still has something to offer us. And cos some people like nothing better than to continually moan about something.
    Everybody has a choice so pack your bags and off you go to your paradise if you don`t like it.
    If other countries offered us as much wouldnt we be there? I`d have thought so but then like I say it`s easier to stay here and moan than have the guts to start a new life.
    My wife has been here in England less than a week and we`ve registered her son in school ( he starts on monday ) and been to the doctors. Also we`ve had some treatment and a prescription. This is all free. It was easier to do all this than buy a set of headphones in Phil, which required what seemed like an armed guard and at least 3 people to sign various sheets of paper, in various long queues. They were only 500 pesos!
    So i`m very happy and the moment and i`m always proud to be English.
    good on ya son!
    *******s to the media though!
    remember - no matter who you vote for - the government always gets in....

  24. #24
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I dont agree with clarksons and the disabilty comment oversteps the mark.
    No it doesn't, I don't seem to remember any disability groups looking after a registered cyclops!

    Gordron Brown has ONE EYE - Correct (he also has ONE EYE on the other side of his face)
    He is SCOTTISH - Correct
    He is an IDIOT - Correct

    It has BUGGER all to do with disabilities, it is the minority making it so, and they can sod off. (.....and before you have a go at me, I'm severely disabled...but then I have a sense of humour and say things as they really are.)
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    No it doesn't, I don't seem to remember any disability groups looking after a registered cyclops!

    Gordron Brown has ONE EYE - Correct (he also has ONE EYE on the other side of his face)
    He is SCOTTISH - Correct
    He is an IDIOT - Correct

    It has BUGGER all to do with disabilities, it is the minority making it so, and they can sod off. (.....and before you have a go at me, I'm severely disabled...but then I have a sense of humour and say things as they really are.)
    Plenty to attack gordon on regardless of his eye i thought it was a weak and lazy jibe. Yes i agree people get way to stuck up themselves about PC things.

    Plus if i call you a raspberry and you cant really cuss back due to your postion its a bit poor. As humour to me is all about the back and forth ie Joe and you both being whippet lovers cussing one another

    Love to see Gordon call him a lanky beer bellied curly haired whatever his choice of insult is but you know he won't so seemed a bit one sided.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Love to see Gordon call him a lanky beer bellied curly haired whatever his choice of insult is but you know he won't so seemed a bit one sided.
    But Gordon does have the right of reply, he runs the bloody country (allegedly )
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    But Gordon does have the right of reply, he runs the bloody country (allegedly )
    But he might have to tell the truth

    As mr clarkson has done he has changed it to idiot and Brown cant complain about that
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  28. #28
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I think Clarkson is a complete idiot that loves the sound of his own voice. I can`t remember his exact words but the stuff he said about motorcyclists years ago was terrible. If he died tommorow I couldnt care less.
    As for Carol Thatcher, well didnt we stop using that word years ago?
    It was on some brands of jam I seem to remember.
    Is it ok to use that word now? No of course not, she was wrong and no matter how pompus her voice is she shouldnt get away with it.
    If this country is so bad why are we still here? Cos it still has something to offer us. And cos some people like nothing better than to continually moan about something.
    Everybody has a choice so pack your bags and off you go to your paradise if you don`t like it.
    If other countries offered us as much wouldnt we be there? I`d have thought so but then like I say it`s easier to stay here and moan than have the guts to start a new life.
    My wife has been here in England less than a week and we`ve registered her son in school ( he starts on monday ) and been to the doctors. Also we`ve had some treatment and a prescription. This is all free. It was easier to do all this than buy a set of headphones in Phil, which required what seemed like an armed guard and at least 3 people to sign various sheets of paper, in various long queues. They were only 500 pesos!
    So i`m very happy and the moment and i`m always proud to be English.
    very well said every Brits wants leave this country can we swap a filipino whose desparate to leave Phils as well

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheesewiz View Post
    very well said every Brits wants leave this country can we swap a filipino whose desparate to leave Phils as well
    Yeah and can those Brits so keen to leave all the money and worldy goods this evill country has allowed them to accumlate

    So enter as not a rich ex pat but a everday phill
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  30. #30
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    I don't support being overly PC. Please note that PC and morals are non-interchangeable terms. Many PC measures introduced have absolutely nothing to do with societal morals. Carol Thatcher has an oftentimes unfortunate tendency towards detachment from social sensitivities.

    The 'Golliwog' was spawned from a social construct of racial and ethnic subordination. The use of the 'Golliwog' doll and other 'Golliwog' symbols are now widely regarded as invariable indicators racial insensitivity. This is because, as we all know, what counts most is how those associated with something they regard as offensive, feel as opposed to what it means for the use. I once had a South African colleague who was fleeing SA prior to the end of apartheid. He thought it quite funny to call me a Kaffir and other names that he said he regarded fondly, irrespective of how I or my other white colleagues felt about that.

    ‘Golliwogs’ and Little Black Sambo demeaned blacks and were regarded as injurious to the confidence of minority children. BTW, what is the origin of the word Sambo? One source, Websters, suggests that it may be derived from the word Nzambo which means monkey. From our perspective, what did these characters exhibit that we could feel happy about; there was plenty to be unhappy about. ‘Golliwogs’ were invariably illiterate, rude, and nefarious and could not be trusted. What did they evoke and perpetuate in the thoughts of non-black children as they played with them? What did blacks feel as they saw these symbols?

    Irrespective of race, creed, etc. would anyone consider it a nice thing to perpetuate something that so negatively portrayed so many people at a time when those same people were already largely regarded with fear, suspicion and were already unwillingly credited with negatively changing the national landscape?

    I’m not a fool; I know that many people have said overtly racist, ignorant things in the past. Some of my closest friends have admitted that they used to also. Of course a new level of enlightenment came to them following a severe beating :-) Only kidding. But seriously, I have even had some strange comments made about me and my ethnicity from a couple of forumers. I ignore it as those views are not important; what is important is that we ALL try to exercise acceptance, tolerance, respect and love.

    Presumably, we are all capable of that at least to some degree, as most of us are in a loving relationship with someone with significant cultural differences to what we were raised with, di ba?

    Live and let love!

    A special hi to all my friends who see me for what I am - a shy, retiring and highly sensitive individual...sniff, sniff!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

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