Quote Originally Posted by Sketco View Post
Well you know I was running scared there for a bit.
But this afternoon went around to a mates for a chat and coffee. His Ukranian wife, comes into the kitchen, spots the empty coffee cups sitting on the table, lasers dave and he gets 3rd degree, burns and my sunnies melted to my forehead. She who has not been obeyed, proffers something loud and no doubt meaningful in a language I have only fleeting familiarity with (and none of the words were familiar, must have come from another dock). Then plonks down in the spare kitchen chair doing a series of arcs from us to the mugs and back, in a silence that can be heard in Kiev.

TAMPO?...I'm thinking it'll be a doddle.
What you don't understand and won't until you see it for real is that the Filipina tampo has all the usual elements that go into these sort of things and that are demonstrated by women of all nationalities, but the Filipino tampo is accompanied by what can only be described a either a fit or a childlike tantrum, only a lot more of an extreme tantrum than you could ever imagine from a child.

The only silence that comes into it is the period before the full blown tampo. It's like the calm before the storm and when you've seen it a few times, you get to recognise the early signs of the oncoming tampo and know when to make a quick exit..... If she'll let you.