4th September 1974....
How long will you be staying In the Uk, and the purpose of your visit, Sir...?
About one week, maybe two, for tourism and visiting friends.
Do you have a return ticket...?
Yes, it is here.
And how much Uk currency do you have to be able to support yourself while here...?
About £400, and 2 thousand German Marks.
Stamped a card for me to go in my passport, and said "have a nice stay".
Three days later, some plonker offered me a job I wasn't looking for....
The rest is History, which sometime, parts of it, I want to forget about....
At the same time, I was witness to some other Europeans, being refused entry, and taken back to the ferry....
One of them, the german berd I travelled with all the way from Stuttgart....Small blessing in disguise....