i had enouth of philippines and we my wife and my self are selling everythink we have had enouth of this palce just a load of robbers . keep our house for holiday home after looseing money in legacy now banks are takeing there time paying out we now at least 4 english guys that are takeing all there money out philippines becouse of pdic takeing there time paying out even my wife said philippines is full of robbing ass holes we are going to live in uk it might be cold and wet but most goverment is mostly honest you get stopped by police here and its a hand out. you go to get somethink done at goverment office its a hand out. its all becouse we are white.you say i havent any money you get usual **** owwwwwwwwww your white your rich.*******s all time ffs even chursh nocks door every bloody week for money or paint or roof sheets .i went bloody mad at brangy captain called him stupid prick i said i live here i dont own ******* england piss of you had enouth this year about 50,000 php in diffrent things. thay nock door now i answer it and say what do you want i have no money or paint go away leave us alone. the only people that are really ok is my wifes family who say just tell em to go away leave you both alone.think twice then think again if your going to live here full time i been here 4 years and its finally got to me in big way pulling my hair out at least once a week (and i havent got that much left)the idea of liveing here in philippines is nice to think about but doing it is completly diffrent