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Thread: Re: Re: I Need Desprate Advice

  1. #1
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    Re: Re: I Need Desprate Advice

    Thank you all for your very honest and sometimes scary answers to my question. My girlfriend's employers are aware of her status here in the UK, and therefore, they are putting their selves in danger of maybe prosecution if she was discovered. She has been in this country for 4 years, and honestly her visa was for 6 months but was a visitors visa. I met her 2 years ago, but, I dont want to lose her for 1 minuate. I would do any thing now to keep her here, but the advice you guys have given me is kind of scary, and makes me want to stay as far away from the border police as possible. Is there any chance i could marry her here, will it make a difference if she has a child to me as we are trying. And when i say she has given so much this counrty economically, she has worked with of the elderly who suffer alzheimers. I do know there is no easy way, but I wish there were. Thank you guys all the same, we're in a very dificul situation. Any more advice, ant threads of hope for me and my partner is invaluble. Thank you kindlyu. John

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc2486 View Post
    Thank you all for your very honest and sometimes scary answers to my question. My girlfriend's employers are aware of her status here in the UK, and therefore, they are putting their selves in danger of maybe prosecution if she was discovered. She has been in this country for 4 years, and honestly her visa was for 6 months but was a visitors visa. I met her 2 years ago, but, I dont want to lose her for 1 minuate. I would do any thing now to keep her here, but the advice you guys have given me is kind of scary, and makes me want to stay as far away from the border police as possible. Is there any chance i could marry her here, will it make a difference if she has a child to me as we are trying. And when i say she has given so much this counrty economically, she has worked with of the elderly who suffer alzheimers. I do know there is no easy way, but I wish there were. Thank you guys all the same, we're in a very dificul situation. Any more advice, ant threads of hope for me and my partner is invaluble. Thank you kindlyu. John

    I know its really hard john but theres no way u can marry her as they would always ask for her status here. I got married here few years ago, they checked my vsa if I am allowed to marry my fiancee now my husband at that time.


  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Hi John,

    My advice to you is to marry her in her original country then apply for spouse visa. This is the easiest and cheapest way to bring her back in UK legally.

    She's an overstayer now and whenever they find that out, she will sent back home and it will be more difficult for her to get a visa back to UK.

    So the best option for her is to go back to her country ASAP.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc2486 View Post
    Thank you all for your very honest and sometimes scary answers to my question. My girlfriend's employers are aware of her status here in the UK, and therefore, they are putting their selves in danger of maybe prosecution if she was discovered. She has been in this country for 4 years, and honestly her visa was for 6 months but was a visitors visa. I met her 2 years ago, but, I dont want to lose her for 1 minuate. I would do any thing now to keep her here, but the advice you guys have given me is kind of scary, and makes me want to stay as far away from the border police as possible. Is there any chance i could marry her here, will it make a difference if she has a child to me as we are trying. And when i say she has given so much this counrty economically, she has worked with of the elderly who suffer alzheimers. I do know there is no easy way, but I wish there were. Thank you guys all the same, we're in a very dificul situation. Any more advice, ant threads of hope for me and my partner is invaluble. Thank you kindlyu. John
    There are requirements on how to marry here. I'm afraid she has none. You can marry her in the Phillipines. We have civil wedding if you want to save some dosh. Visiting our country is good for you, you will know some of our culture and meet the clans. I am sure you will enjoy. Enjoy our weather

    She can comeback 100% if her intention is genuine

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