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Thread: OLD WIVES' TALES on Pregnancy

  1. #1
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    OLD WIVES' TALES on Pregnancy


    how will you know that you are carrying a boy or a girl? lol (without having the scans yet)...

    These are a few ive heard:

    always happy
    positive aura
    skin & complexion are very smooth
    heartbeat is so fast

    maitim ang kilikili
    maitim ang neck hehe
    heartbeat is quite slow...

    hehehe... funfunfunfun!

    i know it's loads of rubbish hehe... pro pinoy tayo ba, di mawawala yan hehe...

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    hahaha, when I was pregnant with my son my grandmother told me i was having a girl s here i was pinning the gender of my unborn child to 'old wives tale' got pretty much excited, picked a girls name, even bought pink baby clothes, and when i gave birth i had no name for my son, and i had a ton of pinks baby grows oh happy days
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Oh that's why my cousin is a gay coz his mom found both signs

    Another beliefs
    If you're pregnant don't take a picture baka makunan ka

    After giving birth..
    Do not drink cold water take warm one.
    Do not take a bath just washed
    If you'r first time taking a bath there's a green plants boiling, ahmmm i guess there's a ritual on it before you take it
    and there's a hilot (massage) for 7 days

    Don't make promises when you are in JOY. Don't reply when you are SAD.
    Don't take decisions when you are ANGRY. Think twice, Act wise. BE happy.

  4. #4
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    You will have a boy if:

    baby’s heart rate is under 140 beats per minute.
    you are carrying low and in front
    your urine is bright yellow
    your right breast is bigger than your left
    you don’t experience any morning sickness in the first trimester

    You will have a girl if:

    baby’s heart rate is faster than 140 beats per minute
    you are carrying high and all over
    your urine is clear
    your left breast is bigger than your right
    you sleep on your right side

    String and Ring Test:
    This "test" can also predict whether you will have a boy or a girl. Tie your wedding band or other ring on to a piece of string. Hold this string so that the ring hangs down in front of your belly. Gently swing the string: if the ring moves in a circular pattern, you are having a boy; if it moves in a straight line, you are having a girl.

    Chinese Lunar Calendar:
    The Chinese lunar calendar is a calendar that can be used to predict the sex of your baby. It takes the age when you conceived and your date of conception into consideration. From these dates, it can predict if you will have a boy or girl.

  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Well, in my experience, if you go to two hilots you get two different answers!

    Best to wait for the next scan, methinks!

  6. #6
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    IF: baby’s heart rate is under 140 beats per minute.
    you are carrying low and in front
    your urine is bright yellow
    your right breast is bigger than your left
    you don’t experience any morning sickness in the first trimester

    Then your are pregant !!!!!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    IF: baby’s heart rate is under 140 beats per minute.
    you are carrying low and in front
    your urine is bright yellow
    your right breast is bigger than your left
    you don’t experience any morning sickness in the first trimester

    Then your are pregant !!!!!

    If you crave for sweets like chocolates and Ice cream they say its a girl!

    And if you crave for sour like sour fruits, green mangoes, and etc... the say its a boy!!!

    Funny old wives tales , but for as long as the baby/ he or she is healthy I will be grateful and very happy.

    If Im pregnant I will not worry about wether she or he or its boy or girl, most important is to look after yourself and make sure have enough nutrients that the baby needs.
    Congrats again to all mothers to be.

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Jump up & down.....if it rattles, it's a boy
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Jump up & down.....if it rattles, it's a boy

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Jump up & down.....if it rattles, it's a boy
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    hehehehehe... funfunfun!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    hehehehehe... funfunfun!

    Oh please DO NOT jump

  13. #13
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Just want to say that... hehe oldwives tales are rubbish! (even the chinese calendar calculator thing) lol as we are having a BOY!!! He will be born in April!!! not long now...

    Who here had experienced Cesarean Section please? Pls share your experiences if u must...


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Who here had experienced Cesarean Section please? Pls share your experiences if u must...

    Yeah, let us talk about patchwork quilts.....

  15. #15
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post

    Just want to say that... hehe oldwives tales are rubbish! (even the chinese calendar calculator thing) lol as we are having a BOY!!! He will be born in April!!! not long now...

    Who here had experienced Cesarean Section please? Pls share your experiences if u must...

    Hi te Zobel,

    Congratulations! we are having a Baby Girl

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
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    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misscarie View Post
    Hi te Zobel,

    Congratulations! we are having a Baby Girl

    Do no call me 'Te hehe... lol

    COngratulations! when is it due? she your 1st child? hehe... God bless you always!

  17. #17
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Do no call me 'Te hehe... lol

    COngratulations! when is it due? she your 1st child? hehe... God bless you always!
    Hi te lol yeah first child.Due on May! is it ur first child aswell? god bless you din and take care

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misscarie View Post
    Hi te lol yeah first child.Due on May! is it ur first child aswell? god bless you din and take care

    hehe ok if u will not stop calling me te ill call you te-te' hehe(sama! lol)

    opo 1st din. sa abril eh... sakit nga sobra likod ko huhuhuhuhu... hope ur doing fine...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post

    Just want to say that... hehe oldwives tales are rubbish! (even the chinese calendar calculator thing) lol as we are having a BOY!!! He will be born in April!!! not long now...

    Who here had experienced Cesarean Section please? Pls share your experiences if u must...

    same here.. having a boy in April

    had cesarean on my first son.. that was almost 5 years ago. didn't have any trouble. my family and friends said that i'm a strong woman. coz after couple of weeks i went back driving a car and all hands with my son.

  20. #20
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    hehe ok if u will not stop calling me te ill call you te-te' hehe(sama! lol)

    opo 1st din. sa abril eh... sakit nga sobra likod ko huhuhuhuhu... hope ur doing fine...

    ah same here masakit sa likod kakatulog kasi yan

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  21. #21
    Respected Member fhara's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post

    how will you know that you are carrying a boy or a girl? lol (without having the scans yet)...

    These are a few ive heard:

    always happy
    positive aura
    skin & complexion are very smooth
    heartbeat is so fast

    maitim ang kilikili
    maitim ang neck hehe
    heartbeat is quite slow...

    hehehe... funfunfunfun!

    i know it's loads of rubbish hehe... pro pinoy tayo ba, di mawawala yan hehe...
    i agree on this coz it really happens...if gwapa ka magbuntis girl imo bb if mudako imo ilong boy imo bb hehehe
    ..there is one way to true and lasting peace....THAT WAY IS GOD'S WILL

  22. #22
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    same here.. having a boy in April

    had cesarean on my first son.. that was almost 5 years ago. didn't have any trouble. my family and friends said that i'm a strong woman. coz after couple of weeks i went back driving a car and all hands with my son.

    you gave birth here? hows the scar? is it visible? or just like a very small line (not even visible) ive seen lots of worse cases on google hehehe...just scary hehe...

    anyway! are you working? or have you booked your maternity leave yet? I hve spoken to Ann yesterday and think she said that she booked on her 29th week... and i am on my 29th week now but still working... and i am feeling the pains already huhuhu... i said, i will work up to 2 weeks before my due date hehe... (we will see) lol...

    MISSCARRIE, hehehe tulog nga ng tulog hehehe coz it is more relaxing than sitting up and walking around... bigat na eh... 2kilos na daw sabi midwife...

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    you gave birth here? hows the scar? is it visible? or just like a very small line (not even visible) ive seen lots of worse cases on google hehehe...just scary hehe...

    anyway! are you working? or have you booked your maternity leave yet? I hve spoken to Ann yesterday and think she said that she booked on her 29th week... and i am on my 29th week now but still working... and i am feeling the pains already huhuhu... i said, i will work up to 2 weeks before my due date hehe... (we will see) lol...

    MISSCARRIE, hehehe tulog nga ng tulog hehehe coz it is more relaxing than sitting up and walking around... bigat na eh... 2kilos na daw sabi midwife...
    i gave birth in phil with my first son.. and just arrived here in England last Saturday.. don't know yet if i wil have a cesarean again or normal this time. also worried, coz everyone says normal delivery is very painful. but others say cesarean is more painful, in my case really had no problem with it.

    well not really visible and had it 'bikini cut'.. so i can still wear bikinis and swim suits

  24. #24
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    If the baby kicks it will be a boy...he's playing with all them Bola Bola's you Filipina's eat!

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  25. #25
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Oh dear birth experiences, will share mine then.

    My 1st son was born 2005, over 6kilos and had natural birth, no pain killers except gas and air. It was quick, 4hrs labour however really painful and had a tear. Gas and air will ease the pain for awhile but will come back again after a few minutes so everytime I feel the burning pain of contractions I panic and inhales the gas/air quickly. I opted for natural birth bec you can be discharged from the hospital on the same day and of course heals quickly. If you are brave enough to endure the pain, I suggest to have natural birth bec once the baby is out, everything is fine. You heal quickly as well.

    My 2nd boy was born 2008 at over 10lbs, opted for natural birth again but since we all didnt expect he was that big and can not get it out, I had an emergency CS. This was a nightmare bec it was more painful than my first and water burst but still can't push it out and midwife just keep telling me to push it until I passed out. When I was conscious again the contractions were horrible that I thought I would die - not scaring you When a doctor finally checked on me she said our baby was in distressed and needed an emergency CS. Imagine, i've experienced all the pain and will only end up in CS...was really traumatized. I remember on my way to the theatre i was really screaming to the staff to do something quickly bec of the pain and was having a cramp on my right leg at the same time. After that, i just woke up with my husband beside me, he said its all is out and a whooper! lol we were all surprised that he was huge, no wonder I can not push him out. My friend who was a nurse said good thing I didnt force it out bec I can damage my pelvis bone or something that can cause permanent damage. Took me 5 days in the hospital bec they said it was a major operation and needs to be monitored longer. Had a catether! Had a big bandage across my belly! Really painful to move around...arrghhh wish didnt have a CS to be honest. Yes you do escape from the painful labour but after that was just horrendous. Oh and the CS left me an ugly scar, its just by the bikini line but the way it healed was horrible. Its not really flat maybe bec of keloids or something, so there's this dark line across my lower belly that will remind me forever of my terrible ordeal, however I still love my son to bits...

    Now with my 3rd son due this May, midwife was telling me to have a natural birth again. Im still having 2nd thoughts about it but everytime I see my scar...was thinking I dont want to have another ugly scar on my belly! I reckon the next best option for me is to have epidural this time, they will numb you from waist down...well I said it depends on the size of the baby, I dont want it get stuck again if he is over 10lbs!

    Hope I didnt put you off

    Its up to you really but since its your 1st baby I suggest have a natural birth with gas and air and maybe request to inject you little pain killer, I forgot whats it called but it will help ease the pain. CS is the quickest and easiest but the healing part is longer and more painful and be prepared to get an ugly scar. Well it depends maybe on your skin type if it wont give you an ugly scar.

    Good luck and let us know

  26. #26
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Oh dear birth experiences, will share mine then.

    My 1st son was born 2005, over 6kilos and had natural birth, no pain killers except gas and air. It was quick, 4hrs labour however really painful and had a tear. Gas and air will ease the pain for awhile but will come back again after a few minutes so everytime I feel the burning pain of contractions I panic and inhales the gas/air quickly. I opted for natural birth bec you can be discharged from the hospital on the same day and of course heals quickly. If you are brave enough to endure the pain, I suggest to have natural birth bec once the baby is out, everything is fine. You heal quickly as well.

    My 2nd boy was born 2008 at over 10lbs, opted for natural birth again but since we all didnt expect he was that big and can not get it out, I had an emergency CS. This was a nightmare bec it was more painful than my first and water burst but still can't push it out and midwife just keep telling me to push it until I passed out. When I was conscious again the contractions were horrible that I thought I would die - not scaring you When a doctor finally checked on me she said our baby was in distressed and needed an emergency CS. Imagine, i've experienced all the pain and will only end up in CS...was really traumatized. I remember on my way to the theatre i was really screaming to the staff to do something quickly bec of the pain and was having a cramp on my right leg at the same time. After that, i just woke up with my husband beside me, he said its all is out and a whooper! lol we were all surprised that he was huge, no wonder I can not push him out. My friend who was a nurse said good thing I didnt force it out bec I can damage my pelvis bone or something that can cause permanent damage. Took me 5 days in the hospital bec they said it was a major operation and needs to be monitored longer. Had a catether! Had a big bandage across my belly! Really painful to move around...arrghhh wish didnt have a CS to be honest. Yes you do escape from the painful labour but after that was just horrendous. Oh and the CS left me an ugly scar, its just by the bikini line but the way it healed was horrible. Its not really flat maybe bec of keloids or something, so there's this dark line across my lower belly that will remind me forever of my terrible ordeal, however I still love my son to bits...

    Now with my 3rd son due this May, midwife was telling me to have a natural birth again. Im still having 2nd thoughts about it but everytime I see my scar...was thinking I dont want to have another ugly scar on my belly! I reckon the next best option for me is to have epidural this time, they will numb you from waist down...well I said it depends on the size of the baby, I dont want it get stuck again if he is over 10lbs!

    Hope I didnt put you off

    Its up to you really but since its your 1st baby I suggest have a natural birth with gas and air and maybe request to inject you little pain killer, I forgot whats it called but it will help ease the pain. CS is the quickest and easiest but the healing part is longer and more painful and be prepared to get an ugly scar. Well it depends maybe on your skin type if it wont give you an ugly scar.

    Good luck and let us know

    Ohh that is long geraldine heheheh nice to read though

    We have the same exp with our first's Exactly the same wahhhhhh he was also huge 9.1. And I still want to have natural birth for my second baby. Although, they keep saying your next baby will be much bigger than the first. And its true in your case So I just hope i can still manage it.

    I agree to you ..i would suggest to all mums if u r that brave enough go for natural birth first unless you need intervention


  27. #27
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    ...since its your 1st baby I suggest have a natural birth with gas and air and maybe request to inject you little pain killer,
    I've been asking about availability of gas and air here, but it doesn't seem to exist. The options appear to be: Natural, with no pain killer, Epidural, or CS.

    Oh, and the other thing which is testing me is that I'm not allowed to be present at the birth ... apparently it's the law! :(

  28. #28
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Hi Ann! do you want to hear the long version? hahahah I swear thats the shortest I can write

    Hi Peter...right I think they dont have that in Phil bec I remember my friends were aware of the birth but didnt feel a thing, that might be the Epidural. Its a shame you are not allowed to see the birth of your baby, is it just in that hospital? Im sure there are some hopsitals that allows the husband to be present. Im sure your wife will need you beside her during the birth. Good luck!

  29. #29
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi Peter...right I think they dont have that in Phil bec I remember my friends were aware of the birth but didnt feel a thing, that might be the Epidural.
    Correct - usually just referred to here as 'painless'.

    Its a shame you are not allowed to see the birth of your baby, is it just in that hospital? Im sure there are some hopsitals that allows the husband to be present. Im sure your wife will need you beside her during the birth.
    As far as I understand, it's a country wide rule. Ruby's Ob/gyne is the head for the whole of Davao del Norte and tells me that it's simply not allowed. There is no pre-natal training here, like there is in UK, hence there is concern that the husband will become a nuisance in the delivery room.

    Good luck!
    Thank you Geraldine.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi Ann! do you want to hear the long version? hahahah I swear thats the shortest I can write

    Hi Peter...right I think they dont have that in Phil bec I remember my friends were aware of the birth but didnt feel a thing, that might be the Epidural. Its a shame you are not allowed to see the birth of your baby, is it just in that hospital? Im sure there are some hopsitals that allows the husband to be present. Im sure your wife will need you beside her during the birth. Good luck!
    how long was your labour with the first geraldine?nhehehehehe

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