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Thread: A Poem for you my daughter

  1. #1
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    Angry A Poem for you my daughter

    Her name is Angel Leah; She was my 2nd daughter my to my first husband.


    I still can remember, yes, when the very first time
    This Angel starts to develop in the soft womb of mine
    Joy within me, but king of the house got angry (husband)
    I cant refuse his order, tiny angel needs to flee….

    Weak I am to disobey; so we went to an old lady
    She asked me to aught and be strong; “then in bed I lay”
    Her hands was busy searching, little angel on my tummy
    I cried! I scream! I beg!.. But they don’t have mercy….

    The next day, Sun is shining bright; “but in my heart a storm
    Sessions needs to continue until miniature ceased to form,
    My whole being is shouting of pain, like a sound of thunderstorm:
    But I am biting my lips, so what they can hear only is my groan….

    That night is very dim but my decision is final and clear
    I will fight for my angel, she don’t deserved to disappear
    I am ready to take the responsibility what matter it may be
    Food, clothing, education, etc,, oh Lord please help me!….

    August 17, 1990 when this pretty angel came into this earth
    God is merciful, He makes my beautiful baby perfect in birth
    Raised up with tender loving care, full of concern from the family
    Talented, happy and friendly, My Angel is she….

    As she enjoy the life like a flower that starts to bloom
    Her scent is very sweet, beauty that shine even dawn
    Magnificent view and lovely to see, “But some were’n’t very happy;
    They picked it up and trampled on their feet, then leave it away….

    Poor flower was on my hands, “I kiss her unto my lips”
    My tear drops crying so loud, shouting for favour and justice
    Suddenly God came down, a miracle from thee.
    This flower formed once again, by His grace and mercy…..

    By the power of the Lord, this angel blessed to be victorious
    She fought for her life, succeeded once, twice and thrice
    Angel that full of beauty, to fly she is now ready
    Stretch your wings my Angel, fly high, you are free!…

    Your strength is the Lord, Your wings are your ambition
    Focus your eyes on your goal, your vision leads you on
    Remember you have sharp claws (God), to fight for your enemy
    Leave destruction, fly above the sky, My Angel be happy!……

  2. #2
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi Brokenhearted,

    that was really a lovely poem..

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Dunfermline, Scotland
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    a very heartwarming one
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

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