Just to say something:

We went to the office this morning as usual... Then one of my officemates said: E (employee): "We need to all go home"
B (Boss): WHy?
E: Because there is no water! We cant use the toilte or wash our hands!
B: Why?
E: Becuase the main waterline was cut off and it was on the news that there was a bursting pipe somewhere so they needed to turn off the main switch plus they said it will be back at 6pm
E: We need to all go home because there is no water
Me thinks: Hmmmm... but why? thought, no biggy.. we can just use a bucket, use a dipper and use the extra gallons of Purified water stored in the cupboard (remembered when I was in the PI, we have to use this coz it is more economical than using flush)
E: Because we cant go to toilet without flushing it!
B: We can use the Aquaid purified water
Me: (Helped to get the buckets & boss refill the buckets with the PURIFIED WATER)
E: But we cant wash our hands without hot water! Health and safety!
Me thinks: still water though just wash your hands properly, use wetwipes etc
B: Then boil a kettle before going to the toilet
E: But it will be too hot!!
Me thinks: Darn it! Then mix Hot + Cold = Warm or lukewarm water!!!
E: But. but. but...
B: In France there is a toilet with a hole (you crouch on it) - in Pinoy may butas lang sahig and lusot dun ang tae/ihi hehe (gaya sa probinsya natin - minsan hehe)
E: But we are not in France!
B: I dont like your attitude! Just be very flexible plus there is no way we can not continue not working just because you cant wash your hands properly!
E: She shuts up!!! (hehe)


2 hours later the Water was back!!!

If you are the employee will you do the same?
If you are the boss what will you do?
