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  1. #1
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    My British Husband

    This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
    My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married
    he was filipino, handsome, drunkard, trouble maker, lazy , & his hobby is to make baby. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
    Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed
    He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
    Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live
    My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node
    I dont want to lose him

  2. #2
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    Oh no...Please be strong. Everything will be OK> We will Pray for all of you.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    I am so sorry to hear that!!

    How old is he?

  4. #4
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    THis is very sad story.

    Keep strong.
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  5. #5
    Respected Member yam's Avatar
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    Oh I'm feeling sad when i read your story:( Please be strong for your your kids...

  6. #6
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    Thank you very much to all of you. Your reply enough for me to become strong.
    My husband is 67 yrs old, He got 2 painful marriage before me. Been depressed for how many yrs when we met. He constantly saying to me i make him alive. How painful to think life is too short for us

  7. #7
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Oh!dunno what to say I thought it was a happy story am sorry to hear that just keep on praying and please dont lose hope as they say there`s a light at the end of a strong
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  8. #8
    Member faithgareth's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear that. But always remember that it's not the end of life but it's a welcoming to a new life with our creator. Be strong. Don't forget to always call His Name.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    You are a brave woman. Stay strong for your husband and your kids.
    Ours prayers for your family esp for your husband.

  10. #10
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    If you read my blog you will see that we too are involved with a close relative who is suffering a terminal cancer. In our case it is a favourite 19 year old neice with a brain tumour, who is given a maximum of 2 years.
    Our thoughts go out to you, as we know how helpless you can feel when faced with these realities. May I offer some advice? Try to make every day count, for what matters is the life you actually have, as none of us really knows what is around tomorrow's corner. There will be plenty of time for sadness in the coming months so try also to be happy and fun, for him and for you to ensure the very best memories.
    I hope you are being helped and counselled through this difficult time, as you too need support. Our thoughts are with you.

  11. #11
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    Oh dear that was sooooooooo sad be strong , you can make it....sometimes life are cruel but you need to be strong,

  12. #12
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    What a very sad story.... always have faith in God whatever trials lay on your path. I understand how you feel but still lucky because you still have time to make the rest of his days to the fullest with you and family. Be strong always for him...

  13. #13
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Be strong... I will pray for you.

  14. #14
    Member jguanlao's Avatar
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    That's a very sad story... Sometimes miracles happened so Just be strong. I will add you to my prayers.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    God works in mysterious ways. That is why He is the Lord. I pray for you and your husband - but, don't forget, if and when he does go to sit by His side, you will be able to talk to him ANYTIME you like!

    He will listen, but not respond. He will ALWAYS be with you. So, if the unthinkable happens, always remember that he will ALWAYS be watching over you and protecting you and being good to you just as he is here on Earth!!

    I shall pray for you both!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hearted View Post
    This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
    My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married
    he was filipino, handsome, drunkard, trouble maker, lazy , & his hobby is to make baby. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
    Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed
    He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
    Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live
    My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node
    I dont want to lose him
    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    God works in mysterious ways. That is why He is the Lord. I pray for you and your husband - but, don't forget, if and when he does go to sit by His side, you will be able to talk to him ANYTIME you like!

    He will listen, but not respond. He will ALWAYS be with you. So, if the unthinkable happens, always remember that he will ALWAYS be watching over you and protecting you and being good to you just as he is here on Earth!!

    I shall pray for you both!


    Do not be broken hearted... As Al said: PRAY AND God shall listen...
    He is ever powerful and faithful... Just delight yourself to the Lord as He knows what your heart's desires...

    We shall pray for you!

    God bless you sister and your husband!

  17. #17
    Respected Member flomike's Avatar
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    sometimes stories like this only happen in soaps operas but when its real its hard to say anything bec its easy to say be strong etc People like me should realize how lucky I am, still got a job, hopefully healthy, my husband been to his doctor recently and he is perfectly okay according to his doctor and still got a job. I feel sad and sorry that you are into this difficult situation:(

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hearted View Post
    This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
    My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married
    he was filipino, handsome, drunkard, trouble maker, lazy , & his hobby is to make baby. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
    Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed
    He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
    Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live
    My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node
    I dont want to lose him
    I'm sorry to hear that. I'm happy person but this time I'm seriously feel sad. But then, be strong
    Give him all the best

  19. #19
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Broken Hearted, you broke my heart by reading your thread. That is a very sad story. But keep strong! Everything has a reason why these all things are happening. Just think of how your life has turned into a happy one when you found your british husband. I know there's more good stuff ahead of you after you get through all these. Meanwhile, spend the most of your time with your hubby. 10 weeks is very short time but show him how much you love him and the assurance that he'll be forever loved and cared by you. God Bless him, you and your 4 kids.
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
    Life is a race. God is your rider.
    So if you're in pain,
    then think God wants you to win

  20. #20
    Member Rob & Anne's Avatar
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    youve gone through a lot in life ..ur very strong..i know u can make it...stay strong..god bless u..

  21. #21
    Respected Member allyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hearted View Post
    This is not to boast my british husband but i just want to express the happiness how lucky am i he came into my life...
    My first marriage was hilarious LOL, im 17yrs old when i got married
    he was filipino, handsome, drunkard, trouble maker, lazy , & his hobby is to make baby. (He make 7 babies with me but only 4 lives due to his irresponsibility.) After 13 yrs of suffering, he died and leave 4 kids on my shoulder.
    Been so lucky that my british husband came into my life after 9 yrs of being widow. All is changed
    He dont like me to work, He is the one cookin my food, instead of tuyo & rice, now im eating roast beef & jacket potato. He gives me all i want and to my kids needs. He adore and love me sweetly.. Life is so wondeful & very colorful for us. He loves my intire family and he likes filipino people. I am proud of him.
    Suddenly, trials arrived to our happy marriage, doctor told us he will have only 10 weeks to live
    My british husband had Lung cancer & Cancer in the lymph node
    I dont want to lose him

    Im happy to read your thread and on desame time so sad about your situation...
    you and your hubby is in our prayer
    I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your chest out, keep your head up and handle it...

  22. #22
    Respected Member nids123's Avatar
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    hi sorry to hear ur setuation just keep fieghting u and hubby and always pray.

  23. #23
    Respected Member fhara's Avatar
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    oh my god im really sorry about that..just keep on praying...
    ..there is one way to true and lasting peace....THAT WAY IS GOD'S WILL

  24. #24
    Member kione's Avatar
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    Your family will be in my prayers..
    God knows what he is doing.
    Even if you're going through a rough time right now,keep thanking him for the great blessing he has given to you - meeting a loving and caring husband which completed your family and your life.
    Always think about the brighter side. You have a better life now because of your husband. A wonderful blessing.
    Keep praising and thank God no matter what. Stay strong!

  25. #25
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Dear amiga

    I won't call you Broken Hearted as that was your past but is not your future. I am truly truly sorry about what has befallen your family recently. I am really very happy however, that after so much sadness you have a joy in your life that so many have not had and that at one time you never expected. God has brought you a long way and I think you should and will build upon that for the future.

    All things are possible. I pray for guidance for the medical teams looking after your husband and I pray for both you and your family, that God's will be done in all things and that the strength and comfort you have been provided will continue. I also pray that your husband will find relief from the pain and concerns that he is experiencing so that his health will improve

    God bless you all.
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  26. #26
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Dear Broken Hearted,
    It is but natural that your'e in the stage of your life where you are really worried of the present and what lies ahead. I pray for you and your family.
    Just read this.

    What qualifies as a worry? Anything that drains your tank of joy . . anything you cannot change. . . anything you're not responsible for. . anything you're unable to control. . . anything that frightens and torments you. . . anything that keeps you awake when you should be asleep. All of that "stuff" needs to be transported from your worry list to your prayer list! Listen, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace" (Philippians 4:6-7).

    Give your worries one by one to God! The more you practice doing this the more exciting your walk with Him will become. You'll be amazed at how easily He handles things that overwhelm you. Always keep these three things in mind:

    1) He is able to handle it.
    2) He is willing to handle it.
    3) He is waiting for you to give it to Him.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
    They are the ones who care about you, take care of you, those who, no matter what, stay close by... "

  27. #27
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    This kind of thing puts all our daily problems into perspective. I am not sure what to write here that will help you at this time except to offer our prayers to you at this time.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  28. #28
    Respected Member Happy_Now's Avatar
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    Good news guys!
    My husband passed the 8-10 weeks prognosis and the doctor is amazed he is more strong, active & still alive! Praise God!
    Though his cancer is uncurable, my husband had strong faith that God will heal him.
    keep praying for us please. Thank you very much guys!

  29. #29
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broken Hearted View Post
    Good news guys!
    My husband passed the 8-10 weeks prognosis and the doctor is amazed he is more strong, active & still alive! Praise God!
    Though his cancer is uncurable, my husband had strong faith that God will heal him.keep praying for us please. Thank you very much guys!

    good good good!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!

  30. #30
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    thats really good news,i hope you both all the best and always stay strong and positive

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