Me and my new BF has been in a relationship for about 2 months now. He lives about 10 miles away from where I live. I work on nights and he works on normal working hours almost everyday he goes to my house before I go to work so we can see each other or have a bit of chit chat and have dinner together.
During my day off (twice a week if he's lucky) he stayed in my house or I go to his house. Today he suggested to me if I can move to his house so we can have more time together and to know more each other by living in one roof. Do you think 2 months is not yet the right time for us to share a house together and beside I am enjoying my independent I can do what I what, I can sleep all day if I want, I can ring my family and friends anytime/any day and I can spend all day on the internet on my day off. Although, to be honest, I want to workout this relationship, I am not young anymore but its too early for me to say that he is the man I want to marry and Im sure that's his thinking as well. Right now I can say that I enjoyed each other company, its nice to have him around specially this cold weather lol. Well, its just so nice being inlove sometimes
Oh I read that the Bishop in the Phils banning SEX for unmarried couple to avoid commiting sins.....
Unmarried couples asked to keep away from motels on Valentine's Day to avoid committing sins
A Catholic bishop on Thursday advised couples, especially those who are not married, to refrain from going to motels on Valentine's Day so as not to be tempted to commit a sin.
“Our concern here is more of the morality. Whether that is legal or not, the people should still avoid instances especially when they know that they will be committing a sin,” he said.
The prelate added that there are other ways through which a person can show affection to their loved ones aside from engaging in pre-marital sex.
Poor Bf of mine our first valentines together no SEXI don't want to commit sins.