Is it true that the male is expected to visit the family at their home to be taken seriously?
I am involved with a Filipina girl.
She has told me i need to go and visit the whole family (parents, brothers, uncle and close friend i believe, if my memory serves me correct) which at first made me nervous but eventually started to agree to make plans to visit the family home for dinner.
Now i am very keen on this girl and i do love her. Although i do not like pictures i have seen of her brothers who are apparently "very protective" of her. I think that her brothers and his friends look "intimidating" with tattoos and have posed for pictures with large swords

(Large swords - Not the behavior or attitude of the true Filipino i don't believe)
It is worrying me and my judgements and accusations have not gone well and have upset/offended my girl's family who have told her to stop speaking with me. I do care for her and love her very much it is just i am increasingly worried by the pictures i have seen.
Does "T.S.T" mean anything to anyone here?
Only that is a friendship group her brothers are involved with.
People please advise and offer as much information as possible, salamat in advance.