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Thread: I am ranting for the 'pain' of a dear friend!

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  1. #1
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    I am ranting for the 'pain' of a dear friend!

    I wish I'm there so you can cry on my shoulders. I wish I'm there so I can help you pack your things and hail the cab for you. I wish I'm there so that jungle won't be too intimidating when you leave the house for work at 7am, the world is still very dark around that time in London, how much more in that middle-of-nowhere where you are now? I wish I'm there so I can kick his ass, you know. I really do wish I'm there, my friend. But I am here...yet am never far...please be strong. I know I've been telling you off for months now and I don't want to do that anymore, I just want you to get away from it all and start again.

    And to you (you know who you are, you might even be reading this now) you're nothing but a charmer and a loser. I hate you for hurting a woman who is helpless and vulnerable. I hate you for making her fell for your charm. I may not understand how things have been with both of you but I wish you've shown her some respect at least, as a woman I think she deserves that.

    You've charmed us, you've charmed everyone on here as well but little did we know, you're a in disguise.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  2. #2
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Take it easy girl. How is your friend? was she been a victim of domestic abuse?
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  3. #3
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    Take it easy girl. How is your friend? was she been a victim of domestic abuse?
    Hmm one may consider it domestic abuse but I do think it's more of an emotional abuse. It will take a long time for her to pick up the broken pieces of her life considering she is far from home and all. That's why I decided to rant, I want her to know she isn't alone and if this helps at least I've done something for her as her friend. It's just that it's impossible to leave work and take the train to see her LadyJ (I'm at work right now).
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    I wish I'm there so you can cry on my shoulders. I wish I'm there so I can help you pack your things and hail the cab for you. I wish I'm there so that jungle won't be too intimidating when you leave the house for work at 7am, the world is still very dark around that time in London, how much more in that middle-of-nowhere where you are now? I wish I'm there so I can kick his ass, you know. I really do wish I'm there, my friend. But I am here...yet am never far...please be strong. I know I've been telling you off for months now and I don't want to do that anymore, I just want you to get away from it all and start again.

    And to you (you know who you are, you might even be reading this now) you're nothing but a charmer and a loser. I hate you for hurting a woman who is helpless and vulnerable. I hate you for making her fell for your charm. I may not understand how things have been with both of you but I wish you've shown her some respect at least, as a woman I think she deserves that.

    You've charmed us, you've charmed everyone on here as well but little did we know, you're a in disguise.
    I wish I am her friend too, as I will teach her how to squeeze her hubby's balls.

    I just hate husbands who hurt physically and emotionally.

    You words are touching. Hope he's deeply touched by your post. I believe that pen is mightier than the sword

  5. #5
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I wish I am her friend too, as I will teach her how to squeeze her hubby's balls.

    I just hate husbands who hurt physically and emotionally.

    You words are touching. Hope he's deeply touched by your post. I believe that pen is mightier than the sword
    Thanks Penny! Not her husband though, this man don't deserve a good woman in his life. Maybe he deserves something else ?
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    Thanks Penny! Not her husband though, this man don't deserve a good woman in his life. Maybe he deserves something else ?
    Oh that's great and she must be thankful, she still have time to avoid that miserable and horrible man. He should not marry or maybe he deserve bakla not a woman.

  7. #7
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Oh that's great and she must be thankful, she still have time to avoid that miserable and horrible man. He should not marry or maybe he deserve bakla not a woman.
    That's something to think about Penny. Thank you so much guys, you've been very kind. I'll call her again tomorrow and see if she's moved out. I wish she's safe tonight and not too upset about the whole thing now. Goodnight everyone and enjoy the snow.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  8. #8
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    i feel so sorry to your friend, Gracia ,tell her be strong,its not the end of the world, well ok na din yon,at least on the early stage,nakilala na agad,kesa kinasal pa

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that it happened to your friend gracia, She's lucky to have you as a friend Tell her to be strong and we are thinking of her

  10. #10
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    is she still planning to marry him despite of...? hope not huhuhu.. that can be very horrible...

  11. #11
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    I'm hoping you'll understand me when I say "When one door closes a better one opens.."

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  12. #12
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    I wish I'm there so you can cry on my shoulders. I wish I'm there so I can help you pack your things and hail the cab for you. I wish I'm there so that jungle won't be too intimidating when you leave the house for work at 7am, the world is still very dark around that time in London, how much more in that middle-of-nowhere where you are now? I wish I'm there so I can kick his ass, you know. I really do wish I'm there, my friend. But I am here...yet am never far...please be strong. I know I've been telling you off for months now and I don't want to do that anymore, I just want you to get away from it all and start again.

    And to you (you know who you are, you might even be reading this now) you're nothing but a charmer and a loser. I hate you for hurting a woman who is helpless and vulnerable. I hate you for making her fell for your charm. I may not understand how things have been with both of you but I wish you've shown her some respect at least, as a woman I think she deserves that.

    You've charmed us, you've charmed everyone on here as well but little did we know, you're a in disguise.
    Hi Ate Grace,

    Sorry to hear about ur friend's situation..

    Pls tell her to be strong. I wish and pray that she may have all the strength to let go and move on with that man..

  13. #13
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    All the best and God bless you and your friend Gracia. Hope she'll get through it whatever it is. Maybe a phone call can do something uplift her emotions?
    A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
    It runs because of the hits of pain.
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    So if you're in pain,
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  14. #14
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    The flowers still grow and so will she!

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  15. #15
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your friend sis May she find peacefullness in her heart and move on freely..may God guide and bless her.

    She's lucky to have you as friend and I am proud of you to be my friend as well...
    I wish you're here with me to make sabunot (pulling hair) all the nosy neighbor around
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  16. #16
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    i am really sorry about this sit and i am not takeing sides here but my first wife told everyone that i was abuseing her so i coundent see my kids all front for courts and i wasent. i am most easy going guy in world (as you can see from some of my posts )there is 2 sides to every break up AGAIN PLEASE I AM NOT TAKEING SIDES ON THIS SUBJECT, but the only people that really now what has gone on is the 2 involved . it is harder when a pinoy lives in uk or western guy lives in philippines . becouse one feels comfortable becouse its there home country .if he is abuseing her i really am sorry :( not good at all . gaz/maybs

  17. #17
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit123 View Post
    i am really sorry about this sit and i am not takeing sides here but my first wife told everyone that i was abuseing her so i coundent see my kids all front for courts and i wasent. i am most easy going guy in world (as you can see from some of my posts )there is 2 sides to every break up AGAIN PLEASE I AM NOT TAKEING SIDES ON THIS SUBJECT, but the only people that really now what has gone on is the 2 involved . it is harder when a pinoy lives in uk or western guy lives in philippines . becouse one feels comfortable becouse its there home country .if he is abuseing her i really am sorry :( not good at all . gaz/maybs
    You're right, we don't know the whole story...I know I am keeping you guys in the dark as I seem to be talking in riddles. I am trying to protect both of them as some of us knew them before. I tried to listen to both sides, both have strong reasons and I do respect that. What I don't understand is how one can deleberately hurt a person who is that helpless.

    To make the story short, he took another girl with him to his house and made her stay there now even though my friend is still living with him there. How can a reasonable person do that?

    But thank you all so much for being very sympathetic. I've told my friend about your reactions and she is thankful.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  18. #18
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    You're right, we don't know the whole story...I know I am keeping you guys in the dark as I seem to be talking in riddles. I am trying to protect both of them as some of us knew them before. I tried to listen to both sides, both have strong reasons and I do respect that. What I don't understand is how one can deleberately hurt a person who is that helpless.
    To make the story short, he took another girl with him to his house and made her stay there now even though my friend is still living with him there. How can a reasonable person do that?
    But thank you all so much for being very sympathetic. I've told my friend about your reactions and she is thankful.
    Oh Dear... your friend needs and that man deserve he is
    tiger tigress

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  19. #19
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    To make the story short, he took another girl with him to his house and made her stay there now even though my friend is still living with him there?
    That's very insensitive and audacious! I sometimes look at Asian babes on my comp, sometimes my Vimvie will walk in the room and I get embarrassed and try to pretend I was looking at something else!

    There's me embarrassed about my Asian babes, and this guy has the audacity to bring another woman home! If he can't understand why that's wrong he must be

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  20. #20
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    ohhh dear!but anyway at least she has a good friend like you gracia.I hope she will be alright and find true love at the end.God Bless to her
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  21. #21
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Sad to hear that Grace. That really hurts. Bringing a woman in his house while she is still living with him? Gosh! i can't forgive that. She is regarded as rubbish. Tell your friend to move on and in due time she will accept what had happened to her. Hope she will meet someone that will respect and love her dearly.

    This is for your friend.... "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have".

    She has her friends that loves her (you as one), her job, her family that loves her so much. And be grateful for having good health as well.
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  22. #22
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    Oh dear, oh dear. It is very sad. Bringing another woman to his house while your friend is living in his place right now? Question, why did he do that? Do they have relationship or your friend is only assuming that they have relationship?

  23. #23
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
    Oh dear, oh dear. It is very sad. Bringing another woman to his house while your friend is living in his place right now? Question, why did he do that? Do they have relationship or your friend is only assuming that they have relationship?
    Hi Cha! I think they've gone past the point of 'assumptions' with regards to their relationship, having been together for a year, having done stuffs that only consenting adults do, by doing that I think they've both behaved as if there was a mature relationship going on between them. What's their set-up? That, I don't know. But their conduct showed that they have both construed into a relationship. Now, not all relationships have happy endings we all know that and I am not critical about their relatioship going sour. Neither am I critical if Mr. X doesn't want her anymore, it's his feelings and it's way beyond my control or my friend's control. The only thing in question is, why could he not sit down with her and reason with her in a mature manner as all respected, reasonable adults do when a relationship is heading nowhere? My friend is a grown, level headed person I am sure she will understand but taking a woman into his bed whilst she is there in the next room? That I believe is beyond any reasonable person's comprehension. Maybe it's just the Brits' typical way of ending a relationship? If so, I'm scared...very, very scared for every Filipina who is in a relationship with a Brit including myself but God forbid, I still have faith in British men and I do know it's not about being British.

    Cheers friends and thanks for listening to my laments. As you can see I am deeply hurt for my friend but she is now recovering and I'm sure she'll be alright.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  24. #24
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
    Maybe it's just the Brits' typical way of ending a relationship? If so, I'm scared...very, very scared for every Filipina who is in a relationship with a Brit.

    I don't think so, certainly it happens but I think it is rare...

    Use this test to discover how psychopathic he is!

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  25. #25
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Its a big insult to your friendAre they married already?

  26. #26
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    That is a major disaster!!!!!. Married or on a bf-gf relationship still they have commitment with each other. Whatever the cause of their misunderstandings should be dealt with due respect. Unless they don't have any commitment at all?
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  27. #27
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Grace, So they were on the point of "assumptions" while living together. You said He took a woman into his bed whilst she is there in the next room. So therefore, they are in a "relationship" (not married) but sleeping in different beds/rooms. In this case the woman is at a loss.

    She should have thought of this in the first place before living with him. He being a matured man should have done the right thing by talking to her about his feelings that the "assumed" relationship is heading nowhere. For sure he did it to end the relationship, which is really hurting. Perhaps he doesn't have the guts of telling it straight to her face that he doesn't have the feelings of love just lust hence, bringing another woman into his house.

    Experiencing this kind of rubbish actions is less hurting if one is in an "assumption" relationship than in marriage because in marriage there is the "commitment".

    I guess it's not about British. It's about the person. We all don't have control over our future but we are all hoping that everything will last. For sure every person who had their 1st, 2nd or maybe 3rd relationship thought that it will last forever.
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  28. #28
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Gracia,
    this is a horrible story and I feel very bad for your friend, I really hope she has the strength to move on and get this excuse for a man out of her life, his sort give a bad reputation to the rest of us British guys. How is your friend now?
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  29. #29
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Gracia,
    this is a horrible story and I feel very bad for your friend, I really hope she has the strength to move on and get this excuse for a man out of her life, his sort give a bad reputation to the rest of us British guys. How is your friend now?
    Hi Scott! My friend is doing well now...I'm glad she is trying her best to be very strong. She has spoken to the guy quite a few times since that incident but she is being very calm and collected and has lived up to her promise that she will never go back and live with him again. He has been asking her to 'just come back', just like nothing happened. I'm sure though that it won't give the rest of the 'British' guys a bad reputation as we all know that it's an individual attitude. Maybe Nigel is right but I wouldn't be the one to judge him. Well, my friend is staying with a Filipino family and she's got a job too so she is fine now and she said thank you to all the forum members who were being sympathetic.

    Thanks so much to all of you guys!
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

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