Yes, another "Newbie" here, wandering in with the usual tale.

I met J in the UAE in 2007. I was instantly and utterly captured by everything about her. She's amazingly beautiful, unbelievably kind and giving and a complete joy to spend time with. We talked every night until she, sadly, had to go back to the Phillipines, leaving me desolated.

We fell out of touch until October last year. She returned to the UAE (where I was working) and again, we talked every day (usually at 1am because she worked nights and I worked days.

Sadly, I had to return to my home country of the UK thanks to my company folding. Now I'm hunting for work, and a home. And obviously, a way to bring J to the UK.

We're not ready to be married, and both of us want to just get to know each other properly and make sure that marriage is something we both want.

Now, I'm trying to find ways to bring her here for short periods, 3-6 months at a time until we're sure that we're as perfect for each other as I think we are. I know I'm in for a really hard time, but she's more than worth it. I'm going to spend the next few nights reading this site to figure out the best way to get her here for good.