after constant lies of my wife a pinoy i am so pissed of with whole country and people . i payed for her to do a caregivers couse she has only been bunking of going to friends from 7 am to 10 pm saying she was at collage, things are getting really so bad :( i dont drink but i went out drinking in zamboanga city on my own my wifes sister said no no its to dangerouse but you know a mad brummy im going out . best night i have had in months i went to one bar . great had drink 3 beers .then while i was leaveing a police car pulled up . were you going sir i said just few beers round town . thay said come on we ll take you round . me think fu k this is going to cost me but no i had two great cops only drunk coke took me round 5 or 6 bars wowwwwwww what a great night and 2 great cops (i still carry a gun in case ) but it was great night
but haveing a bad marrige in a diffrent country you feel so alone only 3 or 4 white guys in town being lonly is so bloody hard drinking isent answer but it helps now and then .i wish i was back in uk when my pdic from closed banks is sorted i ll come back to uk.all best gaz (sorry bad spelling not feeling to good at moment )