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Thread: Filipino symbols/icon

  1. #1
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    Thumbs up Filipino symbols/icon

    Hi All.
    I'm new here and need a help from all of you.
    I am doing a visual project on philippines and I need to reserch into filipino symbolysm.
    I have been googling and looking around in book shop but it's impossible to find!
    If anyone know any symbols/icons used in philippines which represent positive things such as wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Just the Flag would be ok ,it represent everything lol

    "wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?" (do Philippines have that)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackcat View Post
    Hi All.
    I'm new here and need a help from all of you.
    I am doing a visual project on philippines and I need to reserch into filipino symbolysm.
    I have been googling and looking around in book shop but it's impossible to find!
    If anyone know any symbols/icons used in philippines which represent positive things such as wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
    I am sure that we have achieved our Philippine People Power Revolution 1986 in EDSA. It is also a great success to kick a corrupt president. I considered that a good achievement and success but after that revolution, Philippines is still the same having difficulty to make Philippines more progressive country. People Power in the Philippines is a symbol of UNITY.

    Wealth? Yes we have wealth and treasure found like Yamasita treasure. But almost all treasures were found during the Marcos Regime.

    I consider Education is wealth as well. Most Filipinos are highly educated, we are not wealthy in terms of money but we are rich in family values.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Just the Flag would be ok ,it represent everything lol

    "wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?" (do Philippines have that)
    Here is our Flag symbols/ explanations:
    The symbols on the white triangle of the Philippine flag are an eight rayed sun and three stars in gold. The sun represents the dawning of a new era of self determination that was desired in 1897 (when the flag was first designed) after the Spanish-American war and the US promise of independence, which was granted in 1946. The 8 rays on the sun stand for the 8 provinces that rose in revolt against Spanish rule in the late 19th century. The 3 stars stand for the 3 principal geographic areas of the country, Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. To complete the symbolism of the flag, the red stripe represents courage and bravery and the blue stripe is for noble ideals. The white triangle stands for the Katipunan, a revolutionary organization that led the revolt against Spain and the color white represents peace and purity. This flag is unique in that in peacetime, the blue stripe is uppermost but during wartime, the red stripe is on top. Ref: Smith 1976
    Dave Martucci, 7 January 1998

    The flag was first designed by General Aguinaldo in 1897 during his exile in Hong Kong. It was adopted on 19 May 1898 (Kindersley, 1997). Aguinaldo's army defeated the Spaniards at the Battle of Alapan on 28 May 1898. The flag saw it's first action that day. 28 May is recognized as Flag Day in the Philippines. On 12 June 1898 the Philippines declared independence from Spain and so began the First Philippine Republic. Based on Melchor (1998) and Kindersley (1997). On 14 Oct 1943 the flag was re-established Smith (1975). This was the date the Second Philippine Republic began (a puppet government under the Japanese). Just like the U.S., the Japanese had outlawed the flag during the earlier period of their occupation.
    Gene 'Duke' Duque, 25 September 1999

    Hope that will helps

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    here's the summarise of philippine flag symbols The flag is divided equally and horizontally into two fields. The top field is blue and the bottom is red. To the left or flag pole side, there is a white equilateral triangle with the edge of the flag being the vertical side of the triangle. There are three five-pointed yellow stars in each corner of the triangle. In the centre of the triangle there is a yellow sun that has eight rays equally spaced apart although the rays are split into three at closer inspection. Each part of the Philippine flag has a specific meaning as follows:

    The blue field stands for common unity and the noble aspirations of the Filipino people.
    The white triangle with equal sides of the flag is symbolic of equality among men.
    The white field stands for purity.
    The sun represents the gigantic strides that have been made by the Sons of the land on the road to progress and civilisation.
    The eight rays of the sun in the triangle represent the first eight united provinces that revolted for independence - Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Manila, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga and Tarlac.
    The three stars in the triangle stand for the three major geographical divisions of the country - Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
    The red field symbolises the willingness of the Filipino people to shed blood in defence of their country.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I consider Education is wealth as well. Most Filipinos are highly educated, we are not wealthy in terms of money but we are rich in family values.
    Is this really true? I've seen figures (from your own government) that suggest less than half of the children who attend primary school then attend secondary school. And less than half of the children who attend secondary school go onto higher education...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Is this really true? I've seen figures (from your own government) that suggest less than half of the children who attend primary school then attend secondary school. And less than half of the children who attend secondary school go onto higher education...
    I think so, If you look how many filipinos finished in their medical field, then you'll see there are about 40,000 in UK, in USA we have hundred thousands, and hundred thousand in Middle East. NZ, Canada, Japan, Australia is now hiring hundred of thousand nurses. We have loads of doctors too.

    If you visit Canada, then you'll see many filipinos around everywhere. They came to Canada as high skilled workers and most of them are engineers. Even Nanny's there are qualified teachers in the Philippines. They grab the opportunities as high skilled workers there because it's free placement fee and they have chance to be a resident in that countries too.

    In the Philippines, we don't need to hire foreign professionals as we have loads of. It's just that we are over populated and the schools I think cannot accomodate them all. I think if we have good government like Scotland offering study now pay later, then we may have no problem about other unfortunate filipinos who wish to study but cannot afford. As we Filipinos are hardworking.

    I have questions in my mind that until now, I don't know the exact answers.

    Would you or any body can tell me how a rich and big countries like I have mentioned above have lack of professional workers? I know there are loads of people there to study so they don't need to hire foreign workers. They don't want to study? I enrolled in our local college and I was surprised we were only about 8 in the class. In the Philippines, we were 50 in a class with 40,000 student populations. That was the schoo I've been. I know there are loads of students here but many are foreigners.

  8. #8
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    Pennybarry I think your missing the point many Phills are educated fairly well and of course the incentives are there.
    But I meet many Phills both in Phill and the partners of OFWs here who are not always very well educated (not uncommon in British people as well i know) but the reason is many could not afford to go to school and left early from what i gather.

    Big countries like the UK also have a huge amount of their working force working abroad (dubai,aus,hongkong,europe, us, canada etc) and with a huge working force of course like all major ones they need people from abroad. Both the city and the NHS which is one of the biggest employers in Europe i belive. Remeber also that Britain and all devloped nations populations are ageing so far less people in the "Learning phase of Life"

    Industies like the City and the NHS suck up Talent from all over the World as you know. No one country could supply all of that talent.

    There are plenty of lazy Filipinos as they are Brits or any other nations people.

    Just see what happens when they get a safety of Remittance from abroad (see welfare system in the UK) many carry on working others just give up.

    Trust me if the Welfare system was implemented in Phill tomorrow within 20 years you would have the same underclass of people who get stuck in a trap where its easier not to work than to work for various reasons.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  9. #9
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    I don't deny that some Filipinos are well educated, but my response was because even now less than half of the children go onto secondary school. So how can most filipinos be highly educated? (which is what you claimed)

  10. #10
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    Hi All

    Thanks for all your reply.
    I was thinking about using 8 pointed star fron the flag.

    I also thought about using below elements, are they significant symbls / I cons of Phillipine and do they mean positive things?

    Anahaw (leef)
    Bahay kubo (house)
    Sampaguita / pambansang bulaklaka

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Pennybarry I think your missing the point many Phills are educated fairly well and of course the incentives are there.
    But I meet many Phills both in Phill and the partners of OFWs here who are not always very well educated (not uncommon in British people as well i know) but the reason is many could not afford to go to school and left early from what i gather.

    Big countries like the UK also have a huge amount of their working force working abroad (dubai,aus,hongkong,europe, us, canada etc) and with a huge working force of course like all major ones they need people from abroad. Both the city and the NHS which is one of the biggest employers in Europe i belive. Remeber also that Britain and all devloped nations populations are ageing so far less people in the "Learning phase of Life"

    Industies like the City and the NHS suck up Talent from all over the World as you know. No one country could supply all of that talent.

    There are plenty of lazy Filipinos as they are Brits or any other nations people.

    Just see what happens when they get a safety of Remittance from abroad (see welfare system in the UK) many carry on working others just give up.

    Trust me if the Welfare system was implemented in Phill tomorrow within 20 years you would have the same underclass of people who get stuck in a trap where its easier not to work than to work for various reasons.
    Thanks for answering my question and it's clear 4 me now. I think you are right that they need to hire foreign workers. I just wish that someday, Philippines will become more progressive so I would love to hear that all Filipino OFW's will send back to Philippines because we can give them the right pay. Like what happened to Taiwan, Many Taiwanese Nurses/midwives working in Saudi were sent back home to their country of origin because they became progressive and well developed.

    I also wish that every municipalities in the Philippines will progress. Our municipality can give us free education up to High School as our Revenues collections reach billions of pesos.Nobody knows in 10 years all municipalities will be progressive.

    I remember my chinese friend in Taiwan in 1994. She said, 25 years ago, Taiwan was a poor country, we had rice + margarine to eat. We walk without slippers etc. And Philippines that time was better than Taiwan. But nobody knows, 20 years from now, you become rich and we can be you foreign workers in your country like you doing here.

    Once again, thanks for answering my question.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    But almost all treasures were found during the Marcos Regime.
    And probably he has hidden them again....

  13. #13
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Fried Liig ng Manok (Neck of a chicken)
    Isaw (BBQ intestines of chicken)
    Skates sa riles (railway skates)

    Imelda Marcos' shoes and formal dresses
    Manny Pacquiao, ang Pambansang Kamao (National Fist of the PI)
    DR Jose Rizal (National Hero, a playboy haha)

    Bahay Kubo


  14. #14
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Just the Flag would be ok ,it represent everything lol

    "wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?" (do Philippines have that)
    I've always felt that Philippines has that! It's got great potential for the future aswell I feel..I'm not trying to deny that Philippines has it's troubles..but it many ways I feel it's a great country!

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  15. #15
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Is a certain type of Eagle a symbol of phill?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  16. #16
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    i found this site very interesting!

  17. #17
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Is a certain type of Eagle a symbol of phill?


  18. #18
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    you can use my pic

    ok here are some of my suggestion

    1. Rice stalk (palay)
    2. Nipa Hut (Bahay - Kubo)
    3. Sampaguita flower

    Goodluck to your project
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  19. #19
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Is a certain type of Eagle a symbol of phill?
    Philippine Eagle also known as the Great Philippine Eagle or Monkey-eating Eagle, is among the tallest, rarest, largest and most powerful birds in the world. A bird of prey belonging to the family Accipitridae, it is also known as "Haribon" or "Haring Ibon," which means "Bird King". Its local name is banog.

    The Philippine Eagle was named the national bird of the Philippines because of its size and rarity, is also a highly desired bird for birdwatchers.
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  20. #20
    Respected Member lavander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blackcat View Post
    Hi All.
    I'm new here and need a help from all of you.
    I am doing a visual project on philippines and I need to reserch into filipino symbolysm.
    I have been googling and looking around in book shop but it's impossible to find!
    If anyone know any symbols/icons used in philippines which represent positive things such as wealth, health peace, achievement, success etc?

    Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.
    Hi BlackCat,
    I would suggest a picture of our 'Jeep' would be ok.....
    This simply symbolize Filipino's uniques and ingenuity in so many ways... 2 cents ...

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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post

    Skates sa riles (railway skates)

    I'd love a pair of railway skates. It would make going to Brisbane so much easier through the traffic. Not sure I could handle hours of stretching across a 4' 8" span though.

  22. #22
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Is a certain type of Eagle a symbol of phill?

    What this one?
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