I was going to start a thread on this the other day, but backed off in case I got mugged by all the women

Now my guess is most guys on here will agree with the following statement:
A lot (not all) Filipina's seem to have it in them that ignorance and backstabbing is quite normal to them. Being in contact with a lot of Filipina's on a weekly basis it is a regular occurrence. Now this goes on in any society, but, Filipina's seem to take it to the next level, and from what I have observed over the years it is mainly based on either stubbornness, or jealousy.

Lucky for myself, and the wife, we both tell it how it is to people's faces rather than gathering up the troops behind someones back.

The guys on here, and probably most outsiders looking in who have seen it sneaking in on here over the last few months probably find it disgusting, and for me, pathetic.

This is post is generic, and not appointed at anyone, if it was, I'd name them. You are invited on this forum as a guest as though it is mine and Ping's home, please treat it as such or as we would do with you in the physical world, we'd slam the door behind you.