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  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    16 weeks is a long time one has to say, ? 16 weeks for a spouse visa, wow, that takes some beating, maybe they are making local checks on your wife, I would have thought reading between the lines, and of course we don't have a camera on the wall in the British Embassy, that they are probably waiting for some information to come back about your wife's application.

    Having said that, I do feel for you, because 16 weeks represents about 4 months, seems rather a long time but not unheard of, again, all I can do to make you feel somewhat better is to say, this period you are going through is an irrelevant blip, or it soon will be, when your wife has been in UK for 3 years, and obtains her citizenship, because we have all agreed about this, when you look back, you will probably have a totally different viewpoint on this period in your life.

    I know I think like this, what was all the fuss about, at the time, it seems like its a long wait, and trust me, I know what you are going through, thats the beauty of all the good advice you get here at the forum, most of the guys here have gone through this, so they do speak from personal experiences, some have had a fairly easy ride along the way, others have not.

    But as I say again to you, its a blip, and its nothing, just ride out the storm, get on with your day to day business, and in time your decision will be through, I think Keith tells us, that 95 per cent of visa applications are positive.

    Best of Luck, can't give you any more encouragement than that.

    and by the way, I've been through this twice, once with wife number 1, and my current wife, again...Back in 1981 the rules were different, but still the same aggravation with the Home Office.

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Good luck with that! Good luck with the visa too!

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