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hi just want to ask if its ok that my application for spouse.i just submitted merrage cirti,my birth cirti,my kids cirti,devorce papers of my hubby,letter from my hubby when he gvs for spcial occasion just a few of it.some email and chat,bank statement.i ddnt submitted monthly budget coz i ddnt know that we need to submitted that,he has no pay slip yet coz that time i submitted my applications he is un employed now he has a job already, i submitted our monthly income here in philippines we have a condo that is earn rent everymonth,and he has private pension this march.and i im not employeed too.it is posible that the consul well release my visa even i dont have his pay slip.but incase the consul call me to ask more proof i can provide now his pay sllip and more chat and emails.dont know how to transferre tx through my loptop and print but i have it in my cellpone and just keep it in case sorry bout this long letter. thank u so much guys