TO SAVE YOU FROM LONGWINDED hassles: Im my opinion:
1) Renew your passport since it is already expired... Also, include the Certificate of Marriage when applying... You have the option to put your married name on your new passport (or you can amend later if you wanted to - but then since you are in the Philippines, do it if u must)
2) Attend the CFO Seminar and have your New passport stamped with CFO sticker... During the mini interview, they will ask for your passport & photos of your wedding or just photos of you & your husband...
3) Once you have done 1 & 2... APPLY for SPOUSE VISA & pay the appropriate fee... submit everything that you have, from chat logs to letters sent by courier, photos, receipts/invoices, marriage license, bank statements of your husband, letter of support from him, accommodation, and all...
4) Wait...
5) Result: Granted or Denied (this is unlikely if you have correctly submitted all necessary documents)
6) Fly to UK
7) Be happy ;-)
God bless you!