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Thread: Is it me?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    I know the situation is very painful..especially you love this guy and have an intimate relationship. If he ended the relationship because you are jealous.Its not an excuse..seems he is just enjoying having a communication with his insensitive to your feelings.If he really loves you and wants to grow old with you..he should stay away from temptations ( sweet talk to ex..etc... ) and focus what plans you have now. Its hard to judge.. but i think you have to step down and think of yourself and your family as well. If family is affected it's another story. If he really loves you he will not do things that makes you hurt and jealous. And being far to each other is the main problem too. It is very tough.So it should be you and him saving the relationship. Are you in Phils now and what place? Good Luck to you and hope you will overcome all this painful situation.
    God Bless.

  2. #2
    Respected Member pacificelectric's Avatar
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    When you engage in a relation you should be careful not to remain too intimate with an ex. Sometimes it is difficult to delete the past but if you want to build a future you need to make choices. Incidentally I consider Facebook as crap. I recently decided to just cancel my membership and was amazed to find out they needed a justification to strike me off like they had the right to do so!

    Anyway back to the topic a person who still fools around with an ex is not reliable. Again you need a good reason for that. I still have contacts with an ex of mine but she happens to be an excellent doctor and whenever I have some health issue or need a medicine with a prescription I ask her first but apart from that we are merely friends and there is no misunderstanding and no crossing of the intimate border. And discussing the past over and over is always destructive.

    Who was that English writer who said: "men want to be the first in a woman's life, and women want to be the last in a man's life....." Somerset Maugham perhaps????

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