Hi Monkeyface,

Just want to share this article .

Nobody addressed the REAL cause of jealousy!

Like many people you might've been told "it's your fault", or "it's all in your head." Or may-be you heard you should "just let go" (of your feelings) and "get on with your life!"

How's that going for you? You might have found it didn't work.

The reason it didn't work is because...

These in your gut feelings aren't about trust -- they're about FEAR .

>fear of abandonment - feeling left on a doorstep or thrown away

>fear of loss of love - that crucial loss of connectedness

>fear of being dishonored in the relationship - feeling emotionally shipwrecked, paralyzed with humiliating images of your partner in the arms of another

>fear of being shamed in the community - feeling ashamed your family and neighbors will think you weren't a good enough partner and talk

>unresolved issues from past relationships - feelings of anger, hurt, frustration, or pain that are deeply rooted in past relationships

>lack of (you fill in the blank) issues - respect from partner, closeness, sex, attention, excitement, affection, companionship, feeling wanted, cared for, loved

>poor self esteem - the harsh inner critic constantly criticizing, punishing, and belittling

>desire for revenge or vindictive feelings - feelings of revenge only stir up the ashes of your own hurt and resentment and make your life miserable

It doesn't matter if these emotions are "real" or not. And until you examine, and begin to heal them, that bitter taste will seep in again and again.

Now, you might be wondering,
Why hasn't anyone ever told me this before?

In fact, as you may have already found, most counselors just don't know how to tackle this problem. Or, they think it's too hard to overcome.

However, you can take to help you stop the nasty feelings within seconds, stop despair from ruling your life and...

Have the Relationships You Were Meant To Have!