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Thread: Failure rate.

  1. #1
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Smile Failure rate.

    Hi guys, Happy Wednesday!

    As most of you know, due to my current circumcizes, we are unable to apply for Hanna's visa at the moment - one day soon I hope.

    I was just sitting here, flipping through Proust's 'A la recherche de temps perdu' when a thought occured to me.

    I quickly dismissed it, knowing that it is HIGHLY ilegal and very unfair to camels in general. So I had another train of thought. That's a topic in itself isn't it? Train of thought!!! I wonder if my train will arrive at all - will there be any standing room left - will I be able to hear myself sniff in the 'quiet' carriages - will the leaves on the line be the right kind????

    Life's great mysteries eh? Like, what do you do if you make a mistake with Tippex? Why is it always the LAST card in a deck that's missing?

    Anyroadup, I wondered how many of you have been refused visa and for what reasons?


    P.S. Do taxi drivers in Cebu EVER wear clean clothes??? Girls are always IMMACULATELY turned out but men look like rubbish dumps!!!!
    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you wont have any probs with a visa,like most it seems a bit scary but you know its not so bad.

    you already know what to do?

    it is kinda strange why cab drivers dress so bad and for some reason there fares go up when i get in one?

    and the women always look so good thats why i married one

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Hi guys, Happy Wednesday!

    P.S. Do taxi drivers in Cebu EVER wear clean clothes??? Girls are always IMMACULATELY turned out but men look like rubbish dumps!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    the women always look so good thats why i married one :xxgrinning--00xx3:

    Filipinas are so neat and clean as always!

    Hope things will be well soon with you & Hanna

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Hi guys, Happy Wednesday!

    As most of you know, due to my current circumcizes, we are unable to apply for Hanna's visa at the moment - one day soon I hope.

    I was just sitting here, flipping through Proust's 'A la recherche de temps perdu' when a thought occured to me.

    I quickly dismissed it, knowing that it is HIGHLY ilegal and very unfair to camels in general. So I had another train of thought. That's a topic in itself isn't it? Train of thought!!! I wonder if my train will arrive at all - will there be any standing room left - will I be able to hear myself sniff in the 'quiet' carriages - will the leaves on the line be the right kind????

    Life's great mysteries eh? Like, what do you do if you make a mistake with Tippex? Why is it always the LAST card in a deck that's missing?

    Anyroadup, I wondered how many of you have been refused visa and for what reasons?


    P.S. Do taxi drivers in Cebu EVER wear clean clothes??? Girls are always IMMACULATELY turned out but men look like rubbish dumps!!!!

    Nice to see you, to see you nice............

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