here me go...busy busy busy doubled as changed since got my lil tiny one, was such a long journey before i have him finally. I never thought its gonna be this tough..well as you know being a first time mom you cant do think of any pain other than how excited and happy you are., you never do mind what it is until you able to feel it in real.

Time dated Jan 30, 2009 at exactly 7:11pm Friday were my son born at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, weighing 6.8lbs. I had a well pregnancy all through out the nine months, everything went out smooth as we all expected only until the day when the big day came which everything changed out dramatically. Yeah although I am aware of all the consequences happen as I’ve learned it from some friends, families that labour is not that kind of easy job but still some wishes back off on my mind that hopefully I may be one of the lucky ones that never do feel such pain which I believe things happen differently, maybe you will say I am not fortunate enough to feel so. Unluckily yea, it was such a traumatic times of my life were I do experienced a lot of pain before I reach him freely into my arms, there were even times now that I do hate to think of how badly it was but more importantly I able to managed it to the best of my ability no matter how painful things are. I do have had a week of labour before I reach to the final peak, badly enough, contractions hit me so real bad. The worst part of being a first time mom is you’ll never know or have any idea what those things involve in so at least for you to prepare more , the only thing I know is I am desperate enough to give birth at any minute just to give end as am dying to fight the labour pain. I gave birth through caesarean section, it was not the plan though, I just suppose to have a normal birth they just decided me to have one coz my dilation was acting real slow but I am so glad that at last they made up their mind to have me those instead coz I could no longer take the pain no more, a week of trial labour is already enough to know things better exactly but more than that I don’t know if I still have the patience to keep things going, I couldn’t express the real pain I felt, no words can explain, I tried many pain reliever but still it didn’t work out good for me, it only lasted for several hours , it didn’t help much until I decided and asked to give me the stronger pain reliever that could totally numb my whole body. Yea, it was the epidural who helps me a lot . I felt so much at ease after then, no more contractions pain I felt, I just waited until my wee boy decided to come out ………and yes….there he is I finally have him at the very long last.