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I was thinking of trying to get her involved in charity work... as
a volunteer in a shop...
... really to give her experience of people, the work environment,
the money, the payment systems, how people talk/react etc etc
From the Assoc of Charity Shops website, no specifics about "our"
situation... but this is section from their info pack...
Will volunteering affect my benefits?
• Volunteering will not affect your Job Seeker’s Allowance as long as you are still ‘actively seeking & available for work.’
• Volunteering should not affect someone’s Income Support as long as they only receive reimbursement expenses.
• If you are in receipt of Incapacity Benefit you may volunteer for as many hours as you wish.
• Volunteering will not affect whether a person receives Disability Living Allowance or not.
• Whichever benefit you receive, you should always inform your benefits agency that you are doing voluntary work.
.. So,.... it seems to indicate that others who "officially" cannot work,
CAN offer their services as volunteers.
.... but am tempted to call them & ask the specific question, maybe even
get the reply sent in hard copy.... so as "evidence" if anything untoward
If anyone else has further info, would really appreciate.