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  1. #1
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    Waiting Times

    Congrats to all those who had their visas issued.

    I just don't understand why the waiting times are inconsistent, some couples waiting 16 weeks, while others only wait for 4. I know that different situations and circumstances can delay some applications, but a difference of 10 weeks seems a huge amount of time !

    Jessica and I are on week 5 and a half !!!!!

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    Congrats to all those who had their visas issued.

    I just don't understand why the waiting times are inconsistent, some couples waiting 16 weeks, while others only wait for 4. I know that different situations and circumstances can delay some applications, but a difference of 10 weeks seems a huge amount of time !

    Jessica and I are on week 5 and a half !!!!!

    It depends on the "local" checks carried out by the Embassy, or so I was told.

    Apparently the Embassy will ask for info to the Barangay and NBI and other bodies for confirmation of status.
    It seems that some are quicker in replying than others....
    So it ain't always the ECO's fault.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    Congrats to all those who had their visas issued.

    I just don't understand why the waiting times are inconsistent, some couples waiting 16 weeks, while others only wait for 4. I know that different situations and circumstances can delay some applications, but a difference of 10 weeks seems a huge amount of time !

    Jessica and I are on week 5 and a half !!!!!

    Good luck Belmontboy,

    Stay calm and relax..I know you will have it very soon even me too..I'm always being annoyed of waiting.. My visa application is turning 15 weeks soon and I'm expecting to receive it in 3-4 weeks time.. God bless you and all the luck come on your way!...
    Life can be happier & less stressful if we remember one simple thought..We can't have all that we desire,but prayers will give us all that we deserve.God bless everyone!

  4. #4
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    An Jessica is really upset now, because a girl she met at the embassy when she submitted paperwork, texted her this morning to say her Visa was approved, so Jessica doesn't understand why her "friends" was approved and not hers. Of course, she's happy for this girl, but was crying because she doesn't understand why there is a difference.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    An Jessica is really upset now, because a girl she met at the embassy when she submitted paperwork, texted her this morning to say her Visa was approved, so Jessica doesn't understand why her "friends" was approved and not hers. Of course, she's happy for this girl, but was crying because she doesn't understand why there is a difference.

    Your wife's visa will be next Belmontboy so don't worry just be patient..

    Embassy targets to process the visa in 13 weeks but recently changed I think to 4 months..

    Hope you will hear sooner as possible..

    In my case it's been 15 weeks of waiting but I never make myself stress now because I already had enough..

    I know the result will surely come in God's perfect time so always think positive ?

    Wish you all the best and to your wife's visa..
    Life can be happier & less stressful if we remember one simple thought..We can't have all that we desire,but prayers will give us all that we deserve.God bless everyone!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shayla View Post

    Your wife's visa will be next Belmontboy so don't worry just be patient..

    Embassy targets to process the visa in 13 weeks but recently changed I think to 4 months..

    Hope you will hear sooner as possible..

    In my case it's been 15 weeks of waiting but I never make myself stress now because I already had enough..

    I know the result will surely come in God's perfect time so always think positive ?

    Wish you all the best and to your wife's visa..

    Thanks for the kind words!

    Just to clarify....its a Fiancee visa, not a spousal !!! :-)

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    Thanks for the kind words!

    Just to clarify....its a Fiancee visa, not a spousal !!! :-)

    Hi Belmont,

    I think Spouse Visa and Fiancee Visa are both Settlement Visas so what's the difference with the visa processing then?..
    Life can be happier & less stressful if we remember one simple thought..We can't have all that we desire,but prayers will give us all that we deserve.God bless everyone!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shayla View Post

    Hi Belmont,

    I think Spouse Visa and Fiancee Visa are both Settlement Visas so what's the difference with the visa processing then?..
    Hi ya

    My understanding was that Fiance' Visas are processed before Spousal visas because of the time constraints involved , ie, wedding dates, or maybe I'm wrong

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I answered this in another thread 2 weeks ago.

    It depends on what checks they have to do, different checks for different people depending on circumstances and evidence supplied. It depends on which caseworker is dealing with it, and their individual workload. It depends on how long 3rd parties take to verify checks.....and any other number of variables.

    I can put a claim into insurance today and get paid next week, while my neighbour does the same thing and gets paid in a month! That is how the world works, no two applications are the same.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I answered this in another thread 2 weeks ago.

    It depends on what checks they have to do, different checks for different people depending on circumstances and evidence supplied. It depends on which caseworker is dealing with it, and their individual workload. It depends on how long 3rd parties take to verify checks.....and any other number of variables.

    I can put a claim into insurance today and get paid next week, while my neighbour does the same thing and gets paid in a month! That is how the world works, no two applications are the same.
    Life can be happier & less stressful if we remember one simple thought..We can't have all that we desire,but prayers will give us all that we deserve.God bless everyone!

  11. #11
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    I'm just thinking back to the process we went through in late 2004/early 2005. You rang up for an appointment giving just the names, dates of births, passport numbers and I think names of parents of the both of you. I guess the embassy went away and did their external checks. Then on the day of the appointment the ECO checked the application form and evidence we provided (it was the first time they saw it), interviewed my wife, and told her she was successful all within a couple of hours. We went back later that day to pick up her passport with the visa.

    You've got to wonder why they can take so long if they could process the actual application itself on the same day back then unless the external checks take a long while or they are so busy.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    I'm just thinking back to the process we went through in late 2004/early 2005.
    same time as me and the misses, but after waiting for nearly 3 months, reason local checks, i complained to the embassy, and the next day my wife got her visa, we had probably more evidence than anyone could have, we had been married more than 2 years, had letters dating back years, but still kept us waiting..

    like Darren said, each case is different, depends on the time of the year, how many are in the queue in front of you, probably also on whoever is dealing with your visa app, also if they are doing any checks on your evidence.

  13. #13
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    The Girl that Jessica (My Fiancee') met at the embassy texted her to say that as well as all the standard papwork for Fiancee' visa, she also included the following :

    Letter from sponsor NOTARISED BY LAWYER

    SIX letters of support from friends and family of her sponsor ALL NOTARISED BY A LAWYER

    This may explain why this girl got her visa within 6 weeks, and why Jessica is still waiting, but what concerns me is that the embassy is seemingly favouring applicants who provide information that is not specifically requested.

    This information may be usefull for those about to sumbit applications.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belmontboy View Post
    The Girl that Jessica (My Fiancee') met at the embassy texted her to say that as well as all the standard papwork for Fiancee' visa, she also included the following :

    Letter from sponsor NOTARISED BY LAWYER

    SIX letters of support from friends and family of her sponsor ALL NOTARISED BY A LAWYER

    This may explain why this girl got her visa within 6 weeks, and why Jessica is still waiting, but what concerns me is that the embassy is favouring applicants who provide information that is not specifically requested.

    This information may be usefull for those about to sumbit applications.
    I don't think the additional evidence helps at all - really can't see what use it is having a lawyer notarising letters of support.

    Every application is different, and there are many reasons why one application takes longer than another one. It's difficult but just be patient and don't get upset because your application isn't being processed as quickly as someone elses.

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